
来源 :中华医院管理杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Okira_lacusO
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我国首都《病案管理技术规范》1996年5月3日在京以录像片的形式顺利通过国家卫生部和解放军总后卫生部领导以及病案管理专家的审定,国家卫生部曹荣桂副部长和解放军总后卫生部李超林副部长等领导及专家给予了高度评价。该规范的诞生,标志我国病案管理技术走上正轨。我国病案管理工作已有70多年的历史,1921年,北京协和医院开院的同时就建立了病案室,并有一套管理制度。1937年八路军总卫生部制订的《暂行卫生法规》中多处对病案的管理作出了规定。经过几十年的发展,在各级各类医院形成了一套管理方法,因技术标准不统一,影响了病案信息资源的综合开发利用。为统一医院病案管理技术 China’s capital “Technical Regulations for Medical Record Management” was successfully passed in the form of video clips in Beijing on May 3, 1996. It was approved by the leaders of the Ministry of Health and the General Health Ministry of the People’s Liberation Army, as well as medical record management experts. Vice Minister Cao Ronggui of the Ministry of Health and General Health Department of the People’s Liberation Army Leaders and experts such as Vice Minister Li Chaolin gave high marks. The birth of this standard indicates that China’s medical record management technology is on track. China’s medical record management has a history of more than 70 years. In 1921, Peking Union Medical College Hospital established a medical record room and set up a management system. In 1937, the “Interim Health Regulations” formulated by the Eighth Route Army General Health Department made provisions for the management of medical records. After decades of development, a set of management methods has been formed in all types of hospitals. Because the technical standards are not uniform, it has affected the comprehensive development and utilization of medical record information resources. To unify hospital medical record management technology
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