
来源 :北京规划建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:unian1981
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This paper shares some experiences of developing a good metro network in Singapore. After providing a background of the local land transportation scene, the paper provides a chronological discussion of the metro development in Singapore where the characteristics of each new metro line was briefly discussed. The next part of the paper shares some features and initiatives through developing the Singapore metro system over the years, such as funding arrangement, bringing artworks to transit stations, integrated planning between road and rail, integration between transit facilities with non-transit developments, barrier-free accessibility and improving connectivity to the metro stations, and transforming transport nodes into lifestyle hubs. Finally, the paper concludes by discussing the challenges on the land transport system in Singapore and the way forward. This paper shares some experiences of developing a good metro network in Singapore. After providing a background of the local land transportation scene, the paper provides a chronological discussion of the metro development in Singapore where the characteristics of each new metro line was briefly discussed. The next part of the paper shares some features and initiatives through developing the Singapore metro system over the years, such as funding arrangement, bringing artworks to transit stations, integrated planning between road and rail, integration between transit facilities with non-transit developments, barrier- free accessibility and improving connectivity to the metro stations, and transforming transport nodes into lifestyle hubs. Finally, the paper concludes by discussing the challenges on the land transport system in Singapore and the way forward.
上海水产大学建校九十周年之际,2002年11月日进行隆重的庆祝活动。全国人大委员长李鹏为校庆题词,其他中央领导黄菊、教育部及农业部均发来贺信;九十年来,上海水 Shanghai
在美丽富饶的高宝湖畔,散居着金湖县涂沟镇三河村渔民。在这里,人们传颂着头脑精明的致富带头人孟现好一个个感人的故事。 前几年,孟现好率先在宝应湖畔从事鱼蟹养殖,发展成
一、鱼种越冬前做好检疫工作 鱼种入越冬池,要用5%的食盐水浸洗鱼种5分钟。在鱼种并池的移出和移入过程中,应该仔细,尽量避免鱼种擦伤。 二、加大鱼种规格 冬季鱼种以体内贮