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对竖井开挖引起的地表沉降时间序列自相关系数的计算分析表明,这些时间序列具有非平稳性特征,即地表沉降量存在确定性趋势。对于竖井开挖引起的地表沉降,时间和空间是不可分割的两个变量,把沉降量的确定性趋势δ、时间t及空间x三者建立起相应联系,构建三者的函数关系模型:δ=f(x,t),使之能预测预报施工引起的地表沉降。 The calculation and analysis of the autocorrelation coefficient of surface subsidence caused by shaft excavation shows that these time series have the characteristics of non-stationary, that is, there is a certain trend of surface subsidence. For surface subsidence caused by shaft excavation, time and space are two inseparable variables. The deterministic trend of settlement δ, time t and space x are related to each other, and a functional relationship model of the three is established: δ = f (x, t), so that it can predict the surface settlement caused by the forecast construction.
她因为《体育画报》拍摄泳衣写真而个举成名,是多个世界品牌的代言模特,其中包括Christian Dior的Lingerie Intimissimi等时尚品牌。性感的外表、直爽、从不遮掩的性格,以及
Is this what Ralph Nader means when hesays there’s little difference betweenRepublicans and Democrats?In Jasper County,Mo.,the election for coroner is a bro-e
“Someone to see you, Mr Hedley.” “Who is he? What does he want?” “He says he will explain that when he sees you.” “Tell him to make an appointment.” “
摘 要:文章从四个方面论述了如何把握好课堂教学关系,以提高语文教学的效率,具有一定的借鉴意义。  关键词:把握 关系 提高 效率    实施有效教学,就要提高课堂教学的效率。在语文教学过程中,只有处理好课堂教学中的各种关系,改变课堂教学的习惯做法,突出语文课堂的特点,才能真正实现课堂教学的有效性。  一、把握好学生与教材之间的关系  教学文本具有多元性或多向性的特点,而学生的需要和所要培养的能力则
A friend’s grandfather came to America from Eastern Europe.After being processed at Ellis Island, he went into a cafeteria in lowerManhattan to get something