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Twenty-two cases of cerebellar infarction were diagnosed by clinical findings, computerized tomography (CT), magnetic resonance image (MRI) and autopsy. Most of the infarctions occurred in the territory of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (18/22). The most common and earliest symptoms were dizziness or vertigo (19/22), which occurred repeatedly and were accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The symptoms and signs of cerebellar lesion such as unsteady gait, limb and/or trunk ataxia, dysarthria were also the main clinical manifesta tions. However,in a number of patients there were no cerebellar symptoms or signs (9/22). Rapid deterioration of consciousness suggested acute compression of the brainstem,where the prognosis would be poor. CT scan made it possible to diagnose cerebeilar infarction in the patients. But CT is not a satisfactory instrument in identifying this disease. MRI without bony artifacts from the posterior fossa has much higher resolution and renders the infarction to be visualized ea Twenty-two cases of cerebellar infarction were diagnosed by clinical findings, computerized tomography (CT), magnetic resonance image (MRI) and autopsy. Most of the infarctions occurred in the territory of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (18/22). The most common and earliest symptoms were dizziness or vertigo (19/22), which occurred repeatedly and were accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The symptoms and signs of cerebellar lesion such as unsteady gait, limb and / or trunk ataxia, dysarthria were also the main clinical manifesta tions. However, in a number of patients there were no cerebellar symptoms or signs (9/22). Rapid deterioration of consciousness suggesting acute compression of the brainstem, where the prognosis would be poor. CT scan made it possible to diagnose cerebeilar infarction in the patients. But CT is not a satisfactory instrument in identifying this disease. MRI without bony artifacts from the posterior fossa has much higher resolution and renders the infarction to be visualized ea
我院自1991—05~1993—10通过对100例脑血管病患者在综合治疗的基础上加用脑活素(Cerebrolysin,奥地利依比威药厂生产)观察治疗,取得了较满意的疗效,现报告如下。1 临床资料:
摘 要: 区域活动作为集体学习活动的延伸和补充,环境的创造直接影响幼儿对经验和知识的获得,本文立足渗透式领域课程,从区域设置的融合性、氛围营造的规则性、活动内容的计划性、材料投放的丰富性等方面入手,促进幼儿发展。  关键词: 课程背景 区域活动 小班区域环境 渗透式领域课程  当前幼儿园课程的两种主要活动组织形式是集体活动和区域活动。区域活动是指教师根据教育的目的和幼儿发展的水平,有目的地创造活动
6月2日 晴  我有一个文具盒,那是姑姑在六一节时送给我的。  这个文具盒里面是三层的。上面一层躺着我的铅笔,中间一层是我的圆珠笔,最下面那层放着几块橡皮擦、一套尺子和一个卷笔刀。  每当我要写字时候,铅笔就跳出来为我服务。当我写错字时,橡皮擦就蹦出来帮我把写错的字擦掉。我要画横线时,尺子就冲出来让我用它来画横线。  我喜欢这个文具盒不仅仅是因为这些原因。还因为每当我考试没考好,垂头丧气的时候,文