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7月6日,马年刚过半程,省委立即召开常委扩大会议,对上半年经济工作问诊把脉,分析研究下半年经济形势。今年以来,各级各部门认真落实省委、省政府的各项工作部署,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,努力克服复杂严峻的困难和挑战,全省经济呈现平开稳走向好的态势。 July 6, just over half of the horse year, the provincial party committee immediately held an enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee on the first half of the economic work of the pulse of the diagnosis and analysis of the economic situation in the second half. Since the beginning of this year, the departments at all levels have conscientiously implemented the work arrangements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, adhered to the general tone of seeking stability while progressing, and worked hard to overcome complicated and severe difficulties and challenges. The province’s economy has taken a smooth and steady trend.
The tin isotope 126Sn is a long-lived beta-particle-emitting radionuclide with half-life of (2.30±0.14)×105 a. Artificially produced 126Sn has entered our env
The study concerns in the development of parallel plate grid ionization chamber which used to measure the α radioactivity. The developed facility can analyze t
The research on the radionuclide migration behavior is an extremely essential question for the high-level radioactive waste disposal. 99Tc, as a long-lived fiss
足球要从娃娃抓起,搞好青少年校园足球活动,加强足球后备人才培养,夯实足球运动的社会基础。看来足球运动进入校园势在必行。当然,在中国现行条件下也会面临诸多问题,如何让校园足球健康顺利的开展,这是亿万中国人民需要关心的大事,也是中国足球事业发展的大事!作为体育工作者,在这里我提几点建议:  一、加大资金投入,优化场地设备,培育合格的足球教练员  搞活动,就要有场地。在我国无论是城市还是农村,大部分学校
The application of salt-free reagents in the spent fuel reprocessing process was recognised in recent years. N, N-dimethylhydroxylamine (DMHAN) can reduce Pu(Ⅳ