齐抓共管 加强渗透 养成良好校风

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我校建于1985年。11年来,始终把德育工作放在首位,已形成党政工团齐抓共管思想政治工作的格局,养成了良好的校风学风。我们的主要作法是:一、领导挂帅,齐抓共管,始终把思想政治工作放在首位我校是为全区培养初、中级专业技术人才的基地,我们的办学目标是“专业对口,定向培养,学用结合,择优录用”,培养“德、智、体、美、劳全面发展,既有动手能力、又有良好思想素质”的四有人才。为了达到这一培养目标,我校领导在思想政治教育中身先士卒,两名校领导亲自担任政治课的教学工作,一名副校长主管思想政治工作,每周的校长办公会都要研究师生思想工作的内容、重点及教育方法,校长办公室每月都要主持召开一次有校团委、 Our school was built in 1985. In the past 11 years, moral education has always been put in the first place, and a pattern in which party and government workers and workers work together to take charge of ideological and political work has been formed and a good style of school ethos has been established. Our main approach is: First, the leadership of the command, make concerted efforts and always give top priority to ideological and political work Our school is for the region to train junior and mid-level professional and technical personnel base, our school goal is “professional counterparts, targeted training , Combining learning with merit and selecting merit candidates, ”and cultivating four talents with“ all-round development in moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor fields, both hands-on ability and good ideological qualities. ” In order to achieve this training goal, our school leaders take the lead in ideological and political education. Two school leaders personally take the teaching of political class. One vice principal is in charge of ideological and political work. Each week, the principal’s office meeting should study the ideological and teacher’s work Content, focus and methods of education, the principal’s office every month to host a school with the Communist Youth League,
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