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充分说理,以理服人,这是我们进行思想政治教育,贯彻疏导方针最基本最常用的方式.一提到讲道理,人们想到的就是“大道理”和“小道理”:“大道理”指的是共产主义的理论体系,这是根本性的道理;“小道理”指的是日常生活中的是非短长,这是具体的道理.进行思想教育,“大道理”和“小道理”都要讲,“大道理”要管“小道理”,“小道理”要服从“大道理”,这些都是毫无疑义的,已经形成了共识.但是现在在操作和运用的过程中,总感到还缺少点什么,言尽意未尽.当我们在讲“大道理”时,虽然也引经据典,振振有词,但 To fully reason and reasonably serve others, this is the most basic and most commonly used way for us to conduct ideological and political education and implement the guidelines of deconstruction. When it comes to justification, what people think of is the “grand principle” and the “little reason”: “the great principle” Refers to the theoretical system of communism, which is a fundamental truth, and “moral truth” refers to the non-shortness in everyday life, which is a concrete truth.For ideological education, the “great truth” and the “moral truth” It must be said that there is no doubt that the “grand principle” should be guided by “moral principles” and “moral principles” must obey the “grand principle,” and no consensus has been reached. However, in the process of operation and application, I feel that there is still a lack of something to say and do everything I can. While we are talking about the truth of the great cause,
我们自1988年10月至1990年10月应用尼莫地平治疗偏头痛34例,疗效较满意,报告如下。 1 资料及方法 本组偏头痛诊断根据《实用内科学》第8版的诊断标准。 1.1 一般资料 54例,
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In the past few years,a variety of extradigestive disorders,including cardiovascular,skin,rheumatic and liver diseases,have been associated with Helicobacter p