Doctors' faith

来源 :Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoupingwoo
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We make some efforts to find some connections between religion and medical science. Medical science can be regarded as sacred and holy as a religion for doctors to believe. The common points between them are the basis to successfully integrate them into doctors’ faith. Furthermore, we explain that doctors need a faith to believe so as to meet the demand of humanitarian traits we should have and to do better in the scientific work and win in the battles with the diseases. We make some efforts to find some connections between religion and medical science. Medical science can be considered as sacred and holy as a religion for doctors to believe. The common points between them are the basis to successfully integrate them into doctors’ faith. we explain that doctors need a faith to believe so as to meet the demand of humanitarian traits we should have and to do better in the scientific work and win in the battles with the diseases.
读罢两个“熊孩子”的故事,感慨良多。  说实话,这只是“熊孩子”的少儿版,还比较“嫩”。下面说两个“更熊”的,姑且算是青春版的“熊孩子”。  去年初夏,我去青州講课,一大早乘火车,只有那种老祖母一样的绿皮车。当年读大学时,我曾很多次坐着它穿行在胶济线上,故而很亲切。甫一落坐,更“亲切”的一幕上演了:六七个放了暑假的大学生结伴而归,听口音应该是老乡,刚想搭讪几句,就被他们旁若无人的样子推了个趔趄。更
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