
来源 :中国审计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shihongxin
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今年审计署固定资产投资审计司将组织11个派出机构及地方审计部门参加对铁道部“八五”期间重中之重项目“京九铁路”建设工程实施全线审计。为了搞好铁路建设项目审计,我们对铁路项目验工计价方法提出一点看法,供各参审单位参考。 铁路建设项目特点:战线长、建设单位多、投资巨大、建设周期长、协调困难。对施工企业完成的建安投资应区别于其它建设项目,采用独特的“验工计价”方法。 This year, the Auditing Department of the Audit Commission for Fixed Assets Investment will organize 11 sending agencies and local auditing departments to participate in the implementation of a full range audit of the construction project of “Beijing-Kowloon Railway”, a project most important during the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period of the Ministry of Railways. In order to do a good job in railway construction project auditing, we put forward some opinions on the pricing method of railway project accreditation for the reference of all participating units. Railway construction project features: long front, more construction units, huge investment, long construction period, coordination difficulties. Construction investment in construction companies should be distinguished from other construction projects, the use of a unique “labor pricing” method.
傩是远古时期人们无法解释自然科学而由此产生的精神寄托,通俗的解释是人们从远古时代就传承下来的、驱魔逐疫、求愿酬神的一种娱神娱人的祭祀活动。    古老的巫傩文化    在民俗学界,许多学者将中国傩与中国巫串在一起进行解释,统称为“巫傩文化”。但根据笔者多年的田野考察与研究,笔者认为中国的巫傩虽然同属一个文化范畴,但性质不同。严格地说,中国巫属意识行为民俗类,而中国傩则属意识形态民俗类,它们的载体一
大连枫叶国际学校,是由加拿大籍华人任书良先生创办,由中加共管的,包含小学、初中、高中 Dalian Maple Leaf International School was founded by Mr. Ren Shuliang, a Ca
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高考试题是很强调课本基础内容的,本文是否说明了这一点? The high exam question emphasizes the basic content of textbooks. Does the article explain this?
人教版新老数学教材在定义“点P分有向线段P1P2→的比”时是这样给出的: (1)老《解析几何》教材P2上定义:有向直线l上的一点P,把l上的有向线段P1P2→分成两条有向线段P1P→
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