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每次会议,被称为亚洲电动车之父的陈清泉必谈及电动汽车。身为世界电动车协会主席、中国科学院院士、中国工程院院士的陈清泉,几乎在每一次大型电动汽车相关行业论坛都能看到他的身影。他传递的观点是,市场应该正确、理智地看待电动汽车的发展趋势。在传统汽车领域并无技术优势的中国汽车企业,面对电动汽车的发展趋势,其实有很多机会。但是,电动汽车并不仅仅是汽车企业的事情,其所涉部门之多,利益之争以 At each meeting, Chen Qingquan, known as the father of Asian electric cars, will have to talk about electric cars. As the chairman of the World Association of Electric Vehicles, Chen Qingquan, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, can see him in almost every forum of related industries of large electric vehicles. He conveyed the view that the market should be correct and sensible view of the development trend of electric vehicles. Chinese automakers, which have no technological advantage in the traditional automobile field, actually have many opportunities in the face of the development trend of electric vehicles. However, EVs are not just things for car companies. They involve as many departments as there are conflicts of interest.
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通过不同处理的接种试验研究了2种明尼苏达被毛孢对大豆胞囊线虫种群分布和大豆生长发育的影响。结果表明:接种35 d后,与空白对照相比,接种明尼苏达被毛孢1-10和HLJ07-21-3后