淡泊明志 心系黎民——记老中医岳国瑄二三事

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莫道桑榆晚,为霞尚满天。年轻时以“青山处处埋忠骨,何以马革裹尸还”为理想,以报国为己任弃医从戎的黄埔老人岳国瑄,在晚年圆了他所追求的另一个梦想,那就是把世代相传的中医绝学发扬光大、造福社会。老人常说:“战争年代,救亡图存,一腔热血为报国;和平时期,救死扶伤,一片爱心为济世。”言为心声,老人用他的余生实践着自己的诺言。耄耋“老板”今年已是83岁高龄的岳国碹老人出生在一个中医世家。19岁时遭逢“七·七”事变,怀有报国之志的他毅然投考了黄埔军校,成为第十五期炮兵科一名学员。一段戎马倥偬的经历使他对国民党政权的腐败极为愤慨,抗战胜利后,他毫不犹豫地去职解甲,在藏龙卧虎的上海滩挂起了“万全堂”的招牌行医谋生。新中国成立 Mo Sang elm night, is still full of Xia. When he was young, he wanted to fulfill the dream of serving the country with his elders, Huang Yuepu, in his later years. That is to say, he put forward his dream of pursuing Chinese medicine in his later years. That is to say, Develop, benefit the community. The old man often said: “In the war years, the national salvation plans to save the nation, and the blood is used for serving the nation. In peacetime, he will save lives and help others to sacrifice their lives.” “As the voice of the heart, the elderly practice his promise with the rest of his life.耄 耋 ”Boss “ This year is 83-year-old Yue Guotuo old man was born in a Chinese family. At the age of 19, he suffered a ”seven-seven“ incident. He embarked on the Whampoa Military Academy with the ambition of serving the country and became one of the fifteen artillery units. After a period of vigilance, he was extremely indignant at the corruption of the Kuomintang government. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he did not hesitate to go to work for the armor. He hung the ”Wan Quan Tang" sign on the beach of Canglongwohu to practice medicine for a living. The founding of New China