光热犹存莫道晚 烧出炉中一片春——记黄埔同学俞渭海办厂事迹

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寒冬腊月,北国的春城,白雪皑皑,长曦微露,夜色朦胧,一个身材瘦弱的老人,踏着积雪,一步步走来,他就是毕业于黄埔军校十七期的俞渭海同学。在他79年的人生旅程中,岁月沧桑,曾留有扭曲、徘徊的足迹,但正如今天一样,他的足迹在雪白的人生道路上还是不断向前坚实延伸,而愈在晚年,就愈加璀璨。回高薪为同学情谊白手创业1987年,俞渭海从大连回到长春,加入黄埔同学会。在活动中,他接触了一些老同学,得知黄埔同学中有些生活非常困难,就毅然放弃在大连市经济技术开发区电器开关厂对他的高薪聘请,决心返回家乡,发挥自己作为老电器工程师的一技之长,自强自立,为国分忧,“为黄埔同学办点儿事”。他先后联系了几位同学,自筹资金五千元。租了一间旧厂房和设备,于当 He is a graduate of Whampoa Military Academy Yu Weihai, who is graduated from the 17th phase of the Whampoa Military Academy. During his 79 years of life, he has experienced years of vicissitudes and distorted and wandering footprints. However, just as today, his footsteps continue to advance solidly in the snowy life, and in his later years he is even more splendid . Back to the high salary for the students friendship hands-on venture 1987, Yu Weihai returned from Changchun, Dalian, Huangpu students join. In the activity, he contacted some old classmates. When he learned that some life in Huangpu classmates was very difficult, he resolutely gave up his hired salary in Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone and decided to go back to his hometown to play himself as an old electrical engineer Skills, self-reliance, for the country share worry, “to do something for Whampoa students ”. He has contacted several classmates and raised 5,000 yuan of self-raised funds. Rent an old plant and equipment, at the time
A BMW car was turned into a giant “transformer” weighing two tons, capturing surprising attention of passers-by. A successful company manager quitted his job
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