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本文通过苏州、郭山及东勾等地高岭土的高梯度强磁选试验研究结果以及对高梯度磁选机和钢毛介质常规磁选机磁场特性的探讨,认为国内用于高岭土试验的小型 HGMS 按其磁系结构,可归纳为两种类型。一种是铠装螺线管磁系新类型 HGMS,以 ZJG 及 XCG 型为代表;另一种是平面磁极对钢毛介质铁芯线圈闭合磁系传统类型 HGMS,以 SQC-2及埃里兹 L-4型为代表。两种磁系结构类型 HGMS,用于提纯高岭土,其选别指标类似。并提出应对我国现有供高岭土分选试验用不同类型 HGMS 进行系统对比试验。得出确切的技术经济对比指标,为确定那种类型 HGMS 更适合我国高岭土提纯提供试验依据。同时认为影响 HGMS 分选效果有两种关键因素,一是设备性能,二是矿粒性质。研究探讨合理的更完善的磁系结构类型以及新型的磁性材料是提高设备性能的关键。研究高岭土矿石工艺矿物学特征,建立我国高岭土矿石按铁钛元素杂质赋存状态的可选性分类,从而将可对选矿研究、设计、生产提供科学的、系统的基础资料。 In this paper, the results of high gradient strong magnetic field tests of kaolin in Suzhou, Guo Shan and Dong Gou, as well as the magnetic field characteristics of conventional magnetic separator with high gradient magnetic separator and steel wool medium, are considered. The small HGMS According to its magnetic structure, can be summarized into two types. One is the new type of armor solenoid magnetic HGMS, to ZJG and XCG type represented; the other is a planar magnetic pole pair of feather medium core coil closed magnetic type of traditional HGMS, SQC-2 and Eriez L-4 type as the representative. Two kinds of magnetic structure type HGMS, for the purification of kaolin, the sorting index similar. And put forward to deal with the existing system of comparative tests of different types of HGMS in our country for the kaolin sorting test. Come to the exact technical and economic comparison index, to determine the type of HGMS more suitable for China’s kaolin purification provide experimental basis. At the same time, it is considered that there are two key factors that affect the separation efficiency of HGMS. One is the equipment performance and the other is the nature of ore particles. Research to explore a reasonable and more perfect type of magnetic structure and a new type of magnetic material is to improve the performance of the key equipment. The technological mineralogy characteristics of kaolin ore are studied, and the classification of kaolinite ore according to the occurrence state of iron-titanium element impurity is established, which will provide scientific and systematic basic data for ore dressing research, design and production.
有些水域,制作草窝诱鱼效果非常好。我在距牡丹江市区20多公里的一个小型水库,用此法,手竿钓,都获得了“丰收”。 这座水库西岸堤坝区水深十几米,北岸山脚下陡坡水深也有十
鳜鱼,也称桂鱼,是我国特产的名贵淡水鱼,“它细鳞巨口,状似松江之鲈”。外型漂亮,体黄绿色,有鲜明的黑斑,肉质细嫩鲜美,是宴席上的上等佳肴。也是钓鱼人喜爱的垂钓鱼种。 鳜
<正> 沟头侵蚀是一种强烈的土壤侵蚀类型,大多发生在沟头径流集中的地方,其主要侵蚀形态是沟头前进、沟谷扩张和沟床下切。沟头前进和沟谷扩张的方式是水流切割、沟边崩塌、