
来源 :城市建设理论研究(电子版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wilsai
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目前,在我们国家公路隧道施工中仍然存在着安全管理问题和质量控制问题,这就要求我们通过不断的改进公路隧道施工技术,彻底杜绝公路隧道施工现场出现的在场内有脏、乱、差等施工建设行为。而在对公路隧道施工中的质量控制这方面,我们需要不断的对隧道施工企业提出更为严苛的质量要求,这不仅是推进公路隧道施工质量的保证,更是不断建设当今社会中对于公路隧道建设的重要要求。 At present, there still exist safety management problems and quality control problems in the construction of our country’s highway tunnels. This requires us to completely eliminate the presence of dirty, messy, poor, etc. in the construction site of highway tunnels by continuously improving the construction technology of highway tunnels Construction and construction activities. In terms of quality control of highway tunnel construction, we need to constantly put forward more stringent quality requirements for tunnel construction enterprises. This is not only a guarantee for the construction quality of highway tunnels, Important requirements for tunnel construction.
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