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日本的月球探测计划不久将在空间探索史上迈出第一步,深入月球表层以下进行探测。月球-A 项目将由日本航空航天科学研究所于今夏实施,由正在轨道上运行的卫里向月球发射一组三个各为三英尺长的类似飞标形的“穿透探测嚣”。其中两个探测器射向月球面向地球的一侧,另一探测器射向月球另一侧,三个探测器构成一简单的仪器网络。 Japan’s lunar exploration program will soon take the first step in the history of space exploration, penetrating deeper into the moon’s surface for exploration. The lunar-A project, which will be carried out by the Japan Aerospace Science Research Institute this summer, will launch a fleet of three fly-like “penetration probes” each of three feet long from the orbit in orbit to the moon. Two of the detectors fire on one side of the moon facing the earth, the other on the other side of the moon and three detectors form a simple network of instruments.
在消声匿迹一些年头之后,乔姆斯基关于语言学习的观点又一次受到人们讨论。最近一部书,《语言奇观》(LanguageLottery[Ligktfoot 19823]清楚地勾勒了这一理论;几本论文集报
主要介绍了羽毛球运动的独特优势和羽毛球运动的保健康复功能,以及羽毛球运动的注意事项。 Mainly introduced the unique advantages of badminton and badminton sports h
他是一位成功的整形外科医生,一名皮划艇世界冠军。如今,他以压倒多数的优势成了新一届国际奥委会的掌舵人…… He is a successful plastic surgeon, a kayak world champi
农业部近期印发《农业部2011年为农民办实事工作方案》。根据该方案,农业部2011年将重点培训1万名统防统治骨干机手,并对6万名农民进行选药用药培训。 Ministry of Agricult
Ireally don’t remember how or where I heardthat it takes just three weeks to form a goodhabit.But I do remember I was fascinated(迷住)at the prospect and,at t
Nelson Mandela’s release after27 years in prison marked a mo-ment of change for SouthMrica.It signified the crum-bling of apartheid,which had separatedblack a
注意饮食的美国人为减少摄入脂肪作了不懈的努力,他们不久将有一种新式的斗争武器—名为 Z-Trim 的无卡路里脂肪代用品。据该项发明者乔治 Americans who pay attention to
This paper attempts to explain the fundamental cause of China’s growing imbalance problems.Economic data confirm that the key structural imbalance problems, s