Research on EM pulse protection property of plasma-microwave absorptive material-plasma sandwich str

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lwyhunter
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A plasma-microwave absorptive material (MAM)-plasma sandwich structure is presented to protect the electronic device against high power electromagnetic pulse. The model of electromagnetic wave reflected by and transmitting through the structure is established. Based on the characteristic parameters of plasma generated by discharge and usual MAM, the electromagnetic transmissive properties of the sandwich structure are investigated by the method of finite difference in time domain. The results indicate that in a rather broad frequency range, the electromagnetic attenuations by the structure are obviously better than the sum of attenuations resulted from plasma and MAM respectively. The models and results presented are instructive for electromagnetic pulse protection. A model of electromagnetic wave reflected and transmitted through the structure is established. Based on the characteristic parameters of plasma generated by discharge and usual MAM, the electromagnetic transmissive properties of the sandwich structure are investigated by the method of finite difference in time domain. The results that that in a rather broad frequency range, the electromagnetic attenuation of the structure are obviously better than the sum of attenuation resulted from plasma and MAM respectively. The models and results presented are instructive for electromagnetic pulse protection.
本文主要从创设情境、创优课堂、创新手段几方面浅谈笔者在初中语文课堂体验式阅读教学中的一些实践。 This article mainly discusses some of the author’s experiences
摘 要:构建高效课堂教学是以生为本教育理念的体现也是学校提高教学质量的基石。下面笔者就结合自己在教学实践中的体会,谈点粗浅认识,以供同仁参考。  关键词:高中历史;课堂教学;课堂效率  中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2012)20-043-1  一、注重史料教学,把历史课还给历史  新课程标准侧重于学生掌握探究历史的具体方法,尤其注重于对各种历史资料的
摘 要:本文揭示了科学猜测对物理学发展的重要意义,并对科学猜测的思维方法进行了简约的剖析,对如何培养学生的猜测能力进行了一定的尝试。  关键词:创新;科学猜测;思维方法  中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2012)20-066-1  猜测就是猜想和推测。具体说来,猜测是对研究的对象或问题作出符合一定的经验与事实的推测性想像的思维方法。它几乎完全不符合逻辑