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一、20万千瓦汽轮机高压缸结构的改进国产20万千瓦火电机组为我国电网的主力机组之一,目前已有十多台投入运行,积累了不少经验,但也暴露出一些问题。如何合理地选择汽轮机高压内外缸之间夹层蒸汽流向和一次抽汽口位置是汽缸结构设计中存在的问题之一。原设计高压缸双层缸结构如图1a所示,新蒸汽在第一至第九级做功后,其中一部分经内外缸间夹层通向汽缸前端的一次抽汽口抽出,用以冷却高压外缸;在内外缸间还设计有一 I. Improvement of Structure of High Pressure Cylinder of 200MW Steam Turbine The domestic 200MW thermal power unit is one of the main power units of China’s power grid. At present, more than 10 units have been put into operation and accumulated a lot of experience, but some problems have also been exposed. It is one of the problems in the design of cylinder structure that how to reasonably choose the steam flow between the inner and outer cylinders of the steam turbine and the position of the steam outlet once. The original design of high-pressure cylinder double-cylinder structure shown in Figure 1a, the new steam in the first to the ninth stage of work, part of the internal and external cylinder through the interlayer leading to the front of a suction port to cool the high pressure outer cylinder There is also a design inside and outside the cylinder
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