Comparative Study of Number Cultures in East and West

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  【Abstract】Language, a special symbol is an important part of culture and language and culture are inseparable. Number which is given different social cultural connotation is a kind of special language symbol and every country has its own culture in the world. By analyzing popular numbers, everyone can understand cultural differences, reasons and avoid the conflict of intercultural communication.
  【Key words】number Three; Nine; psychology
  1. Introduction
  Language is a part of culture. At the most time, we can not feel the existence of culture because culture influence us in an invisible and subtle way. But the influence of culture also exist in our thoughts, feelings and behaviors which is very important. As we all know, number is a tool for people to communicate. According to the process of life and history, the meaning of numbers has changed because of nations, psychology basis and religions. The Number Three and Nine are popular in both east and west.We can analyze differences clearly and understand the reasons of cultural differences.
  2. Comparative Study of the Meaning of Numbers
  Western culture is affected by Christianity mainly while the eastern culture is influenced by Buddhism and Confucianism. In Chinese culture, the Number Three is all. The order of the process giving rice to the myriad things began with the Dao producing a kind of generative force. It means the number Three is the beginning of all things in the world.
  Number Three in Western culture has perfect meaning. The number Three is regard as the combination of unity and difference.The Christine doctrine of the Trinity with which people fall in love defines Gods as three con-substantial persons
  From Chinese aspects, Nine is regarded as a mysterious and important number. Chinese ancient emperor was regarded as the son of heaven and putting the symbol of Nine.In daily life, people also think highly of the Number of Nine. Because the homophone for the number Nine is “jiu”, which represents the meaning of perpetuity in Chinese.
  However, it is noticeable that the Number nine is a divine number in the west. This number is also regarded as the end of bad things and the beginning of the new things. Rand nine pence.(完美无瑕). In this idioms, people use the Number Nine to show the meaning of perfect and luck.
  3. Reasons of Cultural Differences between the East and West   By comparing with living environment, Western people lay stress on sense. Numbers are regarded as symbol of calculating at the most time. Some eastern countries, people think that their living environment is safe. People often pursue meanings instead of shape. It freed from the bondage of language expression and made numbers have deep meanings. From the psychology of culture, Chinese culture attaches importance to ethics, light weapons. Chinese society value a kind of harmony And English culture attaches importance to materials, light ethics and take utilitarianism as a value orientation. For western people, the number is a kind of mysterious and elusive entity.
  4. Conclusion
  Thus it can be seen there are different religious beliefs, the way of thinking and cultural psychology, which lead to the different connotation and emotions between the east and west. Numbers are regarded as a specific cultural phenomenon. Numbers are no mysterious and power themselves. When numbers are given rich cultural connotations, we can feel the charm of numbers and experience the depth and development of digital culture. From this thesis, I choose some numbers which have rich meanings in both east and west. They can arouse people’s sympathy. When we learn and research their roots and differences, we can learn differences between the eastern and western culture and it is conducive to intercultural communication.
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【摘要】高职教育以为社会输送综合应用型人才为目标,其中英语教育是实现人才综合化发展的关键。本文以高职英语课程教学为研究对象,对OBE教育理念的英语课程教学模式进行分析。总结OBE教育理念实践经验,优化高职英语课程模式。  【关键词】OBE教育理念;高职英语;教学模式  【作者简介】胡园,武汉光谷职业学院。  【基金项目】湖北省教育科学规划课题,课题名称“从OBE(学习产出)理念的视角探究高职公共课
【摘要】本文首先探讨学前教育专业英语课程教学的现状,接着从EAT教学理念出发,运用这一理念来指导和服务于学前教育专业英语课程的教学;同时阐述了EAT教学理念对教师和学生双方的重要影响和作用,进一步明晰了EAT教学理念的实质和核心是一种以学生为中心的教学设计理念,既可以提高课堂教学效果和质量,也可以提高学生的学习效果和质量。  【关键词】EAT教学理念;学前教育专业;英语教学  【Abstract】
【摘要】目前我国教育改革正在不断地推进当中,初中英语阅读教学中,教师一定要根据学生学习的实际情况对其学习任务进行布置,英语教师要通过积极的研究和探索,为学生设置明确的学习任务,在学生语言知识学习的基础上,开展多样化、丰富化的语言活动任务类型,教师要在课堂教学中准备丰富多彩的多媒体视听资料,帮助学生在有效的学习时间内完成英语阅读任务,培养学生解决学习中遇到的各种各样问题的能力。  【关键词】初中英语
【摘要】小组合作法的应用是素质教育下一直倡导的方法,所以,一线教师结合自己的学科特点,综合小组合作法的特色,从多角度、多方面将这一方法与课堂教学进行了结合。所以,本文笔者就从小组合作法在英语词汇学习、口语交际、写作训练三个方面入手进行论述,以期能够让学生在生生互动、交流中提升基本的英语学习质量。  【关键词】初中英语;小组合作;词汇;口语交际;写作  【作者简介】许显娥,青海省海东市平安区第二中学
【Abstract】Ernest Hemingway’s renowned piece — “The Killers” is undoubtedly touched with his distinct writing style. Through analysis, it can be easily noticed that “The Killers” shared several feature
【摘要】针对传统高中英语阅读教学的不足,引入“文学圈”模式是当前教学改革的新尝试。本文主要分析了“文学圈”在高校英语阅读教学建设中的应用,基于“文学圈”阅读模式的教学效果,重新整合了阅读课程资源,设计了“文学圈”教学环节 ,开展高中英语阅读教学改革和实践,不仅可以提高学生的阅读兴趣和能力,还可以促进写作,促进听说能力的同步发展;通过自主能力培养和良性互动交流,促进学生思维能力的培养。  【关键词】
【摘要】自第三次科技革命以来,科学技术商业应用的速度在不断加快。5G是当下最热门的新兴信息技术,5G的商业化时代马上就要来临。随之而来的人工智能的变革将会继续对传统行业带来冲击。在互联网极速发展的时代背景下,“互联网 ”已经成为许多传统域的发展方向。如何在新兴技术的冲击下保持传统领域从业人员的优势将是人们不得不思考的问题。本文立足于人工智能的大时代背景,探讨大学英语教师职业能力发展策略,试图探讨这
【摘要】绘本是通过文字和图片向学生描述知识的图画书。对于小学低年级的学生来说,对图片的兴趣要远远超过文字,因此,充分挖掘绘本的内在价值,在提升学生对英语学习的兴趣和英语的积极性的同时,也能够很好的提高英语学习效果。  【关键词】绘本;小学低段;英语教学;学习兴趣  【作者简介】张引,亳州市教科所;许晴,亳州市亳州学院附属学校。  从教多年以来,笔者在老版本和新版本的教材中,不断尝试各种教学资源的开
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