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经历过苏联解体的俄罗斯作家们在故事讲述中总绕不开“生存焦虑”这一主题。他们在自传色彩比较浓的叙事中呈现生存焦虑的内涵,并对其根源进行挖掘。社会转型期的无序带来了社会公共空间的混乱和排斥、家庭私密空间的萎缩和漠然,进而使得个体被动或主动地成为出局者,由此带来了生存焦虑和身份焦虑。究其深层原因是社会公共空间中对话者的缺席,家庭私密空间中家人身份的缺失等。然而,后苏联小说中的存在探索并没有就此止步,小说主人公多选择听从内心的呼唤,寻找和坚守自我价值。 Russian writers experiencing the dissolution of the Soviet Union always can not get away with the theme of “survival anxiety” in storytelling. They present the connotation of the existence anxiety in narratives with comparatively rich autobiography, and excavate its root causes. The chaos and exclusion of social public space, the shrinking and indifference of private spaces in the society caused by the disorder of social transition led to individuals becoming passive or active players, resulting in existence anxiety and identity anxiety. The underlying reason is the absence of interlocutors in social public spaces and the loss of family status in the private spaces of families. However, the exploration of the existence in the post-Soviet novels did not stop there. The protagonist often chose to listen to the innermost feelings and seek and hold self-worth.
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