Inter-group contact reducing essentialism of ethnicity

来源 :第九届全球华人心理学家学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fy9112003
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  In the multi-ethnic society,essentialism theory of ethnicity(with opposing view is social constructivism theory) are beliefs that lay people hold used to understand the ethnicity.Specifically,the essentialist theory argued that the ethnicity is determined by immutable,deep-rooted essence(genetic or biological factors might be,etc.),the essence determine the significant differences between the ethnic group(including physical,psychological,behavior and cultural aspects),and these differences cannot be changed.Existing studies have found that ethnic essence beliefs affect individual's psychology and behavior,for example,it solidified the ethnic boundaries,and correlate to stereotypes and prejudices,but also the "legal" reasons that mainstream groups maintain the unequal status,have a negative impact on ethnic interaction.
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