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明清档案是中国现存数量最大也最为完整系统的古代王朝档案,是中华民族乃至世界珍贵的文化遗产。20世纪初,当久存皇宫的明清档案一向社会公开,即与殷墟甲骨、敦煌写经一起,被称为中国古代文化的三大发现,受到社会广泛关注。然而,明清档案的辗转留存却是充满了艰辛和曲折,这里拟对清内阁大库档案在清末民初历经的损毁与流失略作概述。一何为内阁大库档案内阁始设于明代,洪武十三年(1380年)明太祖诛杀胡惟庸后,下令废中书省,分立六部秉政。由于皇帝个人的时间和精力所限,永乐时期开始设立内阁。内阁“批答本章,撰拟谕旨”~(1),渐 Ming and Qing archives is the largest and most complete system of ancient dynasties archives in China, and is a precious cultural heritage of the Chinese nation and even the world. At the beginning of the 20th century, when the archives of the Ming and Qing Dynasties were kept open to the public, that is, together with the bones of the Yin Ruins and the Dunhuang Writings, they were called the three major discoveries of ancient Chinese culture and were widely concerned by the society. However, the removal of files in the Ming and Qing dynasties is fraught with difficulties and twists and turns. It is intended here to give a brief overview of the damage and loss of the files of the Qing Cabinet at the end of the Qing dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China. What is the Cabinet Database Cabinet was first set up in the Ming Dynasty, Hongwu thirteen years (1380) Ming Taizu to kill Hu Weiyong, ordered the waste book province, divided six Bingzheng. Due to the limited personal time and energy of Emperor, Yongle began to set up a cabinet. Cabinet “approved this chapter, wrote an edict ” ~ (1), gradually
Hot deformation characteristic of superaustenitic stainless steel 254SMO has been studied by isothermal compression testing in the temperature range of 950–1,2
目的:探讨非高血压患者在应激状态下血压升高与其冠状动脉(冠脉)狭窄的相关性.方法:选择1 141例疑诊冠心病的非高血压患者,均行冠脉造影检查,其中将造影过程中监测血压≥140/
目的:分析国人心肌淀粉样变性(cardiac amyloidosis,CA)的临床特点及探讨早期诊断CA的依据和方法.方法:检索中国期刊网全文数据库、万方数据库,收集2013-06-30前发表的病例分