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近年来我国建筑市场日趋激烈,建筑价格也逐渐的市场透明化。特别是我国实行改革开放政策以来,建筑市场的开放迫使企业不断提高工程项目成本管理水平。如何最大程度的缩短项目工期,节约项目成本,提高项目质量成为各个企业工程项目开工之前所需要重点考虑的问题。但是由于我国建筑成本管理起步较晚,在很多项目上存在着一些成本管理问题,导致有些工程项目不能够按时交工或者中期停工。基于此,本文在建筑工程项目成本管理理论基础上对成本管理措施进行了深入研究,旨在能够找到提高成本管理水平的有效措施。 In recent years, China’s construction market is increasingly fierce, the construction price is gradually market transparency. Especially since China adopted the policy of reform and opening up, the opening of the construction market has forced enterprises to continuously improve the project cost management. How to shorten the maximum project duration, project cost savings, improve project quality has become the focus of various business projects before the start of the key considerations. However, due to the late start of China’s construction cost management, there are some cost management problems in many projects, resulting in some projects can not be delivered on time or in the medium-term suspension. Based on this, this paper deeply studies the cost management measures based on the cost management theory of the construction project, and aims to find effective measures to improve the cost management.
This research proposes a modified two-dimensional Peng-Robinson equation model to predict adsorption isotherm in adsorbate-adsorbent systems. The parameters of
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1. 重点   ①了解概率的意义以及频率与概率的区别;理解并掌握两个互斥事件的概率加法公式;   ②通过实例,理解古典概型及其概率计算公式,会用列举法计算一些随机事件所含的基本事件数及事件发生的概率;能初步运用排列、组合的公式计算一些等可能性事件的概率.   ③理解几何概型及其概率计算公式,能准确构造出某一随机事件对应的几何图形,并利用几何图形的度量来求随机事件的概率.  
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