
来源 :江苏水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:justoka
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这次全省海堤达标建设现场会的主要任务是,动员和组织沿海各地加快推进海堤达标工程建设,用三年时间高标准、高质量全面完成海堤达标建设任务,为我省沿海地区经济社会快速协调发展提供可靠的防洪安全保障。一、统一思想,充分认识加快海堤达标建设的重要意义海堤是我省沿海地区 The main task of the province’s seawall compliance construction site is to mobilize and organize coastal areas across the country to speed up the standard construction of the seawall, with three years of high standards and high quality fully completed the task of seawall compliance construction for the coastal areas of our province Rapid and coordinated economic and social development provides reliable flood protection and safety guarantee. First, unify thoughts, fully understand the importance of speeding up the construction of seawalls Dike is the coastal area of ​​our province
做由的聚合物太阳能电池(PSC ) poly (3-hexylthiophene )(P3HT ) 与多使内收 fullerenes,[6,6 ]-phenyl-C61-butyric 酸甲基酉旨(PC61BM ) , PC61BM-bisadduct (bisPC61BM )
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To satisfy the needs of large-scale hydrogen combustion and explosion simulation,a method is presented to establish single-step chemistry model and transport mo
A sensitive,simple and low-cost method based on capillary electrophoresis(CE) with electrochemical(EC) detection at a carbon fiber microdisk electrode(CFE) was
“长城”这个字眼,我们早已耳熟能详,但像我这样的大多数人,却从来就没有真正了解过长城。“长城”,对我们来说,是一个熟悉的词汇,却是一个陌生的命题。 We have long been