Taking the Tae Kwon Do Gold

来源 :Women of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:adonis77
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LONG dominated by South Korea it hasbeen a Chinese dream to take the TaeKwon Do crown out from under thekimchi-eater’s feet. In the build-up to last June’sWorld Championship in Canada the expectationswere running as high as ever and it was withgreat pride that young Wang Shuo becameChina’s first World Tae Kwon Do Champion. At 1.8 metres, wiry Wang Shuo towers overher 15-year-old peers, yet still looks effortlesslychildish. It was 1995 when Coach Chen Lirenfirst spotted the gawky eleven year old at theJiaozuo Amateur Sports School of HenanProvince. There to select potential stars, it wasWang Shuo’s lightning fast reflexes on the LONG dominated by South Korea it hasbeen a Chinese dream to take the TaeKwon Do crown out from under thekimchi-eater’s feet. In the build-up to last June’sWorld Championship in Canada the expectationswere running as high as ever and it was withgreat pride that young Wang Shuo becameChina’s first World Tae Kwon Do Champion. At 1.8 meters, wiry Wang Shuo towers overher 15-year-old peers, yet still looks effortlesslychildish. It was 1995 when Coach Chen Lirenfirst spotted the gawky eleven year old at theJiaozuo Amateur Sports School of HenanProvince. There to select potential stars, it wasWang Shuo’s lightning fast reflexes on the
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