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在京杭运河、杭申线桐乡航区,活跃着一支水上安全监督管理队伍——桐乡市航运管理所巡航队。这个嘉兴市航管系统的先进集体以其文明执法、优质服务的风采,在“讲文明树新风”活动中为江南水乡构筑了一道新的风景线。 崇尚勤政 搞好服务 “寓服务于管理中”是这个队的宗旨。他们宁可麻烦自己,也要便利船户,千方百计做好“勤政与服务”这篇文章。他们在履行港监职责中,推出了许多便利管理对象的新措施。 船舶现场签证。为减少船员到城区签证的麻烦,他们根据建材企业、仓库堆场、厂矿码头多在干线航道,远离签证站点的实际,积极推行现场签证及缴费等有关手续,去年为停泊在20多个码头的装卸作业船舶和途经船舶办理现场签证2700余艘次。 提供桐乡航道图导航。对初来桐乡的外省船舶,详细介绍本航区的航道、厂矿码头及事故多发地段的情况,充分提供航行安全咨询,并无偿发放航道图,仅去年就分发了900余份。 为船户排忧解难是经常的事。10月下旬的一天晚上,一艘 In the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, hangzhou line Tongxiang navigation area, an active water safety supervision and management team - Tongxiang Shipping Management Institute cruise team. The advanced collective of Jiaxing’s air traffic control system has built a new landscape for the Jiangnan Water Village with its civilized law enforcement and excellent service style. Advocate diligence and do a good job “service in management” is the team’s purpose. They would rather bother themselves, but also to facilitate the boat people, do everything possible to do a “diligence and service” this article. In discharging their responsibilities as a harbor superintendent, they have introduced many new measures to facilitate their management. Ship site visa. In order to reduce the inconvenience of seafarers visiting the urban areas, they actively carried out on-site visas and payment procedures according to the actual situation of building materials enterprises, warehouse yard, factory and dock in the main channel and away from the visa site. Last year, they were stationed at over 20 terminals Loading and unloading work vessels and passing the ship to handle more than 2,700 on-site visas. Tongxiang navigation map provides navigation. For the newcomers coming to Tongxiang, detailed descriptions were given of the shipping routes, factories and mines docks and areas with multiple accidents in the navigation area of ​​the Tongxiang Airport. Sailing safety advice was provided and free waterway plans were released. Last year alone, over 900 copies were distributed. It is not uncommon for families to solve problems. One night in late October, one
医疗保险的概述、建立的意义、补充医疗保险税收政策,通过分析医疗保险及补充医疗保险管理现状,探究如何完善医疗保险的管理及其发展方向。 The definition of medical insu
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利用直接合成法和后接枝法将含有磺酸基团的硅烷偶联剂引入MCM 4 1介孔分子筛中,合成了酸性介孔有机 无机杂化材料.利用XRD和TEM等方法对其结构进行了表征.结果表明,利用直接
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采用乳液聚合方法合成了聚甲基丙烯酸酯含硼水基润滑剂。以聚甲基丙烯酸酯分子作为极压剂硼化物的载体 ,既可利用高聚物微粒的弹性、柔韧性 ,又可以利用硼化物的极压润滑性 ,