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玉米黑粉菌就是玉米棒子上生的病菌。又叫玉米乌米、棒子包、玉米黑霉等。 凡是在种有玉米的乡村里呆过的人,差不多都认得玉米黑粉菌。长了玉米黑粉菌的玉米就是生病了,这种菌是玉米的主要病害。它影响玉米的正常发育 Corn powdery mildew is a corn germ disease. Also known as corn umi, stick package, corn black mold and so on. Almost all people who live in the corn-growing countryside recognize corn powdery mildew. The corn that grows corn black powder is sick, this kind of bacteria is the main disease of corn. It affects the normal development of corn
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农田化学除草剂的种类很多,在农业生产上有针对性地使用化学除草剂,可以杀灭杂草,保护作物,且省工省时省力、防治效果好。一、化学除草剂的种类 1.选择性除草剂该除 There
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