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  In a riveting new thriller, worldwide bestselling suspense writer Mary Higgins Clark weaves the mystery of twins telepathy into a mother’s search for kidnapped twins, presumed dead. Margaret and Steve Frawley celebrate the third birthday of their twin girls, Kelly and Kathy, with an afternoon party in their new home in Ridgefield, Connecticut. The evening of the twins’ birthday party, Steve and Margaret attend a black-tie dinner in New York. When they return home, the police are in the house, and they are told that the babysitter had been found unconscious, the children are gone, and a note demanding an eight-million-dollar ransom had been left in their room...
  “Hold on a minute, Rob, I think one of the twins is crying. Let me call you back.”
  Nineteen-year-old Trish Logan put down her cell phone, got up from the couch, and hurried across the living room. It was her first time babysitting for the Frawleys, the nice people who had moved into town a few months earlier. Trish had liked them immediately. Mrs Frawley had told her that when she was a little girl, her family often visited friends who lived in Connecticut, and she liked it so much she always wanted to live there, too. “Last year when we started looking for a house and happened to drive through Ridgefield, I knew it was where I wanted to be,” she told Trish.
  The Frawleys had bought the old Cunningham farmhouse. Today, Thursday, March 24th, was the third birthday of the Frawleys’ identical twin girls, and Trish had been hired for the day to help with the party, then to stay for the evening while the parents attended a black-tie dinner in New York.
  After the excitement of the party, I’d have sworn the kids were dead to the world, Trish thought as she started up the stairs, headed to the twins’ room. The Frawleys had ripped out the worn carpet that had been in the house, and the nineteenth-century steps creaked under her feet.
  Near the top step, she paused. The light she had left on in the hall was off. Probably another fuse had blown. The wiring in the old house was a mess. That had happened in the kitchen this afternoon.
  The twins’ bedroom was at the end of the hall. There was no sound coming from it now. Probably one of the twins had cried out in her sleep, Trish thought as she began to inch her way through the darkness. Suddenly she stopped. It’s not just the hall light. I left the door to their room open so I could hear them if they woke up. The night-light in the room should be showing. The door’s closed. But I couldn’t have heard one of them crying if it was closed a minute ago.
  Suddenly frightened, she listened intently. What was that sound? In an instant of sickening awareness, she identified it: Soft footsteps. A hint of equally soft breathing. The acrid smell of perspiration. Someone was behind her.
  Trish tried to scream, but only a moan escaped her lips. She tried to run, but her legs would not move. She felt a hand grab her hair and yank her head back. The last thing she remembered was a feeling of pressure on her neck.
  当特蕾丝上楼,朝双胞胎的房间走去时,她想 :生日晚会的兴奋劲儿过后,我发誓这两个孩子很快便会酣然入梦。屋里的旧地毯已经被弗劳利一家磨破,19世纪的楼梯在她的脚下吱吱作响。
  她突然很害怕,于是侧耳倾听。那是什么声音?她立刻高度警觉,并很快意识到 :这是轻微的脚步声,还夹杂着同样轻微的喘息声和浓烈的汗臭味。她身后站着一个人!
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