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《综合运输》杂志由国家发展计划委员会主管,国家计委基础产业发展司和综合运输研究所共同主办,是中国惟一涵盖铁路、公路、航空、水运、管道等五种运输方式的宏观指导性期刊。本刊的办刊宗旨是:服务交通全局,报道运输市场。为了适应加入 WTO 后中国交通运输市场发展的需要,《综合运输》杂志决定从2002年下半年开始全面改版。将从编辑理念、栏目设置到封面版式进行重新设计,改版后本刊提升为国际标准大16开,页码增加到52页,同时提高刊物的编排质量和可读性,以一种全新的形象为广大读者服务。本刊新的编辑理念是:配合国家宏观经济调控的中心工作,以宣传综合运输的理念为己任,以促进交通基础产业可持续发展和交通资源整合为主线,推动各种运输方式相互衔接和协调发展,鼓励打破部门、行业和地区的垄断,促进有序竞争的中国统一运输市场的形成和完善,为政府和企业的交通运输决 Co-sponsored by the State Development Planning Commission, the State Development Planning Commission and the National Institute of Comprehensive Transportation, Integrated Transportation Magazine is the only macroscopic guideline journal in China that covers five modes of transport: railways, highways, airlines, waterways and pipelines . The purpose of running the magazine is: service traffic overall, covering the transport market. In order to meet the needs of the development of China’s transportation market after China’s accession to the WTO, the “Comprehensive Transportation” magazine decided to start a full revision in the second half of 2002. From the editing concept, part of the set to the cover layout to be redesigned, revised edition to ISBN 16 open, page number increased to 52 pages, while improving the publication quality and readability, with a new image The majority of readers services. Our new editorial philosophy is: In line with the national macroeconomic regulation and control of the center to promote the concept of integrated transport as its mission to promote the sustainable development of transportation infrastructure and transport resources integration as the main line, and promote the mode of transport of each other convergence and coordination Develop and encourage breaking the monopoly of sectors, industries and regions to promote the formation and improvement of orderly competition in the unified transportation market in China and provide transportation and transportation solutions for the government and enterprises
细心的读者将不难发现,从本期开始,《新财经》会不断求变和创新。 我们求变和创新的宗旨是:延续和扩展《新财经》创刊以来在读者中树立起来的影响力,更好更切实地为广大读者
4月23日深夜十一点多,忙碌了一天的人们已经进入了梦乡,而堤北港务局宿舍孟家沟港电工周生娥一家却灯火通明,忙碌异常。 原来下午周生娥的爱人刘建华在万寨造纸二厂门口发现
俄罗斯著名作家安·巴·契柯夫(A       1860-1904)指出:“对大自然的描写应抓住细节……对人物的心态描写也是这样。最好要回避直接描写主人公的心理状态,而应着力于让主人公的心理
关于文艺的本质特性问题 ,历来是文艺学中最根本、最核心的问题。当代文艺学的变革与发展 ,在很大程度上凝结和体现在对文艺本质特性的认识不断推进和深化上面。回顾新时期以
在文学作品翻译中 ,古今中外强调译文要还原文风貌。本文从语言形式的等效 ,即语言表层结构和深层结构与原文一致 ;内容信息的等效 ,即形象信息的等效和感情信息的等效 ;文体
本文针对西方叙事学理论偏重文本内在构成研究和国内叙事批评过份强调文本社会政治、伦理和文化意义解读的倾向提出问题 ,分析讨论了叙事文本意义存在与审美存在的关系、审美