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通过拍摄水滴来得到想要的抽象艺术照,只需要一个吸管和一台智能手机或者一台平板电脑就可以做到。将水滴到一个精致的、灵敏的电器中。拍摄的时候要小心,为了避免湿气进入电器内部,拍摄之后注意把水滴擦干净。尽管有风险,但是智能手机和平板电脑的液晶屏确实有相对的优势,我们可以自己通过实验证明。因为使用它们,我们会看到水滴明显增高,并且圆润,有时候甚至是半球形。这种特殊的显示屏可以提高照明效 Get the desired abstract art by shooting water droplets, just a straw and a smartphone or a tablet can do it. Drop the water into a delicate, responsive appliance. Be careful when shooting, in order to avoid moisture inside the appliance, take care to wipe the water after shooting. Despite the risks, the LCD screens for smartphones and tablets do have the relative advantage that we can experimentally prove ourselves. Because of the use of them, we can see the drops are significantly taller, rounded, and sometimes hemispherical. This special display can improve the lighting effect
商业企业为完成商业流通任务,需要占用和消耗一定的人力、物力和财力。这些资源的利用是否合理和充分,决定着商业经济效益的好坏。 桃浦供销社由于在双增双节运动中抓了活劳
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想象一下这个场景:你在面试两个人,他们一样有能力、有才华、资质合适。但是你看到他们一个穿着H&M的套装,而另一位穿的是Louis Vuitton,你会选择哪一个?研究发现,你更有可能
一、制约当前职业教育发展的因素分析1、投入不足,导致职业院校规模小、师资力量薄弱,教学模式单一。与各级政府对普通教育的重视程度和投入 First, the constraints of the
Neuroglial cells are homeostatic neural cells. Generally, they are electrically non-excitable and their activation is associated with the generation of complex
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