Hepato-cardiovascular response and its regulation

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:andrew2011
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AIM: To determine the possible existence of a hepato-cardiovascular response and its regulatory mechanism in normal rats. METHODS: Systemic hemodynamic changes following intraportal injection of latex microspheres were studied in two modified rat models of hepatic circulation, in which the extrahepatic splanchnic circulation was excluded by evisceration and the liver was perfused by systemic blood via either the portal vein (model 1) or hepatic artery (model 2) in vivo. RESULTS: In model 1, intraportal injection of two sized microspheres (15-μm and 80-μm) induced a similar decrease in mean arterial pressure, while extrahepatic portal venous occlusion induced an immediate increase in mean arterial pressure. In model 2, microsphere injection again induced a significant reduction in mean arterial pressure, aortic blood flow and aortic resistance. There were no significant differences in these parameters between liver-innervated rats and liver-denervated rats. The degrees of microsphere-induced reduction in mean arterial pressure (-38.1±1.9% in liver-innervated rats and -35.4±2.1% in liver-denervated rats, respectively) were similar to those obtained by withdrawal of 2.0 mL of blood via the jugular vein (-33.3±2.1%) (P>0.05). Injection of 2.0 mL Haemaccel in microsphere-treated rats, to compensate for the reduced effective circulating blood volume, led to a hyperdynamic state which, as compared with basal values and unlike control rats, was characterised by increased aortic blood flow (+21.6±3.3%), decreased aortic resistance (-38.1±3.5%) and reduced mean arterial pressure (-9.7±2.8%). CONCLUSION: A hepato-cardiovascular response exists in normal rats. It acts through a humoral mechanism leading to systemic vasodilatation, and may be involved in the hemodynamic disturbances associated with acute and chronic liver diseases. AIM: To determine the possible existence of a hepato-cardiovascular response and its regulatory mechanism in normal rats. METHODS: Systemic hemodynamic changes following intraportal injection of latex microspheres were studied in two modified rat models of hepatic circulation, in which the extrahepatic splanchnic circulation was excluded by evisceration and the liver was perfused by systemic blood via either the portal vein (model 1) or hepatic artery (model 2) in vivo. RESULTS: In model 1, intraportal injection of two sized microspheres (15-μm and 80-μm ) induced a similar decrease in mean arterial pressure, while extrahepatic portal venous occlusion induced an immediate increase in mean arterial pressure. In model 2, microsphere injection again induced a significant reduction in mean arterial pressure, aortic blood flow and aortic resistance. significant differences in these parameters between liver-innervated rats and liver-denervated rats. The degrees of microsphere- induced reduction in mean arterial pressure (-38.1 ± 1.9% in liver-innervated rats and -35.4 ± 2.1% in liver-denervated rats, respectively) were similar to those obtained from withdrawal of 2.0 mL of blood via the jugular vein (-33.3 ± 2.1%) (P> 0.05). Injection of 2.0 mL Haemaccel in microsphere-treated rats, to compensate for the reduced effective circulating blood volume, led to a hyperdynamic state which, as compared with basal values ​​and unlike control rats, was characterized increased blood flow (+21.6 ± 3.3%), decreased aortic resistance (-38.1 ± 3.5%) and reduced mean arterial pressure (-9.7 ± 2.8%). CONCLUSION: A hepato-cardiovascular response exists in normal rats. It acts through a humoral mechanism leading to systemic vasodilatation, and may be involved in the hemodynamic disturbances associated with acute and chronic liver diseases.
AIM: To validate the accuracy of four rapid blood tests in the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori. METHODS: Consecutive dyspeptic patients scheduled for endoscopy
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冬天的早上,  妈妈  哎哟哎哟拔萝卜。    爸爸,是小萝卜,  妈妈一拉  拔起来了。    我,是大萝卜,  妈妈拉不动,  叫上了爸爸,  一、二、三  拔起来喽!
英国当代雕塑家安尼什·卡普尔,凭借雕塑《坠入地狱》而一举成名。一天,英国著名纸媒《星期日泰晤士报》的记者采访了安尼什·卡普尔。  在采访快要结束的时候,那位记者提问说:“安尼什·卡普尔先生,我其实也是一名雕塑爱好者,想代表所有的雕塑爱好者们向您请教一个问题:您是否有什么成功的秘诀呢?能向我们透露一些吗?”  安尼什·卡普尔笑了笑,温和地说:“其实,我根本没有什么成功的秘诀。想要成为一名雕塑家,我觉