Read for fun等

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  So many fruits to eat! But they are for monkeys. This is the Monkey Buffet Festival in Thailand. It is in November every year. People in Bangkok make monkeys go to a temple(寺庙). Then they give fruits and vegetables to the monkeys. This festival is to thank monkeys, because they bring visitors(游客)to this place.
  In a hotel in Xi’an, people made these little soldiers(士兵)with chocolates. Terracotta Warriors(兵马俑)are wearing Christmas hats and look cute. There are about 300 Christmas warriors and horses in all. What a delicious Christmas!
  His name is Martyn Tovey. He is 57 years old. Over 40 years, the British man has collected(收集) 353 Guinness World Records books. He is a super fan and set a world record for the biggest collection. At school age, Tovey got a Guinness book as a prize. He became interested in facts and data(数据). Now he knows a lot about Guinness world records.
  South Korean actor Kim Woo-bin(金宇彬)doesn’t think he is handsome. In his own words, his face looks like a dinosaur(恐龙). But it doesn’t stop him attracting(吸引)a lot of fans.
  He has played many cool young men on screen. They look like a bad boy but have a good heart. Choi Young-do(崔英道) in the 2013 TV series(电视连续剧)The Heirs(《继承者们》)is a good example.
  Kim used to think “looking cool” was important for acting. He’d often look in a mirror(镜子)to find the coolest expression.
  But one day he read a book called I’m an Actor. In the book, one actor said: “If you’re sincere(真诚的), the right expression will come out by itself.”
  Kim said since then, he has stopped looking at himself in a mirror. “Instead I try to find the best emotion(情感)for the situation.”he said.
  My favorite book is Today I’m the Flag Raiser. In the story, the lead character is a clever boy called Xiaoxiao. He is a primary school student. He wants to be a school flag raiser. You think this is so easy, but in fact, it’s not easy. When he can?achieve his dream, teacher?tells him, the other?student will be the flag raiser. He is so sad, but he doesn’t lose confidence. In the last week of primary school, he raised the national flag. This story told me never to give up on your dreams. You must work hard achieving?it.
  My favorite book is Today I’m the Flag Raiser. In the story, the lead character is a clever boy called Xiaoxiao. He is a primary school student. He wants to be a school flag raiser. You think this is so easy, but in fact, it’s not easy. When he is about to achieve his dream, the teacher tells him another student will be the flag raiser. He is so sad, but he doesn’t lose confidence. In the last week of primary school, he raised the national flag. This story told me never to give up on your dreams. You must work hard to achieve it.
  ?can表示“能够”,是百分之百可以做到的,而从下文可知,主人公没有做到,所以此处应用is about to,表示“即将”。
  ?the other表示两者中的另一个,即总共只有两个人;another指“另一个”,即很多人中的另一个。
  ?行为动词后接动词时,通常用动词不定式,此处用to achieve表示目的。
升起来了,升起来了,  升到万众瞩目的高度。   以一种排山倒海的气势,  以一种雷霆万钧的力量。    升起来了,升起来了,  升起世人惊叹的目光。   飘扬着半个世纪的辉煌,  展示着神州风采。    面对国旗,  山,站起来。  水,活起来。  天,阔起来。    面对国旗,  每个生命都庄严起来,  神圣起来。
前些日子,一条新闻引起了大家的关注:一女大学生要求母亲给她买“苹果三件套”,母亲因觉得价钱太高表示为难,该女生便朝母亲大吼:“不给我买,就让我在大学里丢脸去吧。”然后扔下被气哭的母亲,扬长而去。在大、中学生群体中,对最新科技产品过于热衷的现象并不少见,对此我们应该怎样看待?南宁市十七中的同学们各有高见——  秦云昌:“三件套”确实是最前沿的科技产品。可是对大多数学生来说,它有用吗?真正将它用在学习
一对孪生兄弟的父亲想对两个孩子进行“性格改造”,因为其中一个过分乐观,而另一个则过分悲观。  一天,父亲买了许多色泽鲜艳的新玩具给悲观的孩子,又把乐观的孩子送进了一间堆满马粪的车房里。第二天清晨,父亲看到悲观的孩子正泣不成声,便问:“为什么不玩那些玩具呢?”“玩了就会坏的。”孩子仍在哭泣。  父亲叹了口气,转身走进车房,却发现乐观的孩子正兴高采烈地在马粪里掏着什么。“告诉您,爸爸。”那孩子得意洋洋
埃尼奥·莫里康内是世界公认的电影配乐大师,但他并非出生于什么音乐世家,更不曾到专门的音乐学校上过一天学。  埃尼奥出生在美国中部的一个小城里,父亲是一位勤劳的锅炉工。埃尼奥最喜欢音乐课,刚升入中学就开始学着写曲谱。  因为长期超负荷劳动,埃尼奥的父亲不幸患上了帕金森综合症,家境日益艰难。为了维持生计,埃尼奥不得不辍学并进入工厂接替父亲的工作。有一次,埃尼奥在收拾桌子时,看见了一张只写着两句曲谱的纸
小时候,我渴望做一个勇敢的人。虽说我是一个女孩,但我从不承认自己输给任何一个男孩。  有一天,小伙伴们打赌,看谁敢偷李奶奶家的苹果。那棵苹果树靠着院墙,用竹竿能打到果实,但按“规定”,我们是不准用工具的,得亲自上树。  有两个小伙伴率先爬墙上树,当时,李奶奶也许正午休,没发现我们,直到树枝打到玻璃窗上,她才走出屋子,喝道:“谁家孩子,大白天敢偷别人东西!”  伙伴们哄笑着逃跑了,只有我没动,我很清
Bounce Imaging 为特警或特殊用途场合制造了这一颗嵌有6枚摄像头的战术球,当它被抛出后会每秒拍摄一帧,然后将其组合成一张360°全景图传到使用者佩戴的电子设备上,帮助他们看到更多隐藏在墙面后的画面。这个战术球有两种款式:一种会发出刺眼光线,在拍摄的同时迷惑对方双眼;另一种则相对隐蔽,可拍摄红外照片,于无形中“秒杀”对手。
相信许多人在欣赏美国影片《回到1872年》时,在为主人公不惜生命代价,回到过去拯救芝加哥市民的义举而击节赞叹时,总以为这是艺术家的虚构。因为,中国古代哲人孔子早就有过“逝者如斯夫”的名言,时光匆匆,怎能倒流?  然而,大千世界创造的奇迹却又明白无误地告诉我们,在过去的20世纪里,时光倒流竟不可思议地发生了。    “目睹”金字塔的建造    随着前苏联的解体,一些机密文件不断面世,科学家查阅到其中
摘 要 樊新强先生在《游褒禅山记》中两处异文的考释中认为《游褒禅山记》中“华山洞”应为“华阳洞”,“独其为文犹可识”应为“独其额犹可识”,对此笔者不敢苟同,特结合樊文立论依据谈谈自己的理解。   关键词 《游褒禅山记》;校勘探讨;版本考察  樊新强先生在《语文教学通讯》2020年3A期发表《〈游褒禅山记〉中两处异文的考释》一文,认为:《游褒禅山记》文中“华山洞”当为“‘华阳洞’之误”,“独其为文
卷子发了吗?考了多少分?错在哪儿了?  问:棉花糖,你好!你能给我解释一下下面这道题吗?这道题给的答案是C,为什么用which而不用that呢?
筷子的神功    如果把一根筷子插入装着米的杯子中,然后将筷子上提,筷子会把米和杯子同时提起吗?  材料准备:塑料杯一个、米一杯、竹筷子一根。  实验步骤:  1 将米倒满塑料杯;  2 用手将杯子里的米按一按:  3 用手按住米,从手指缝间插入筷子;  4 用手轻轻提起筷子,杯子和米一起被提起来了。  原来,由于杯内米粒之间的挤压,使杯内的空气被挤出来,杯子外面的压力大于杯内的压力,使筷子和米粒