
来源 :中国宝玉石 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:energ10
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“淮南子”记載:太古时候,四極毀廢,九州崩裂,天不兼覆,地不周載,炎火不減,浩水不息,有女媧氏,煉五色石,以補蒼天,砍斷龜足,建立四極,積堆藍灰,以止淫水,創造人類。 傳說煉石過程中,剩下五色石,流傳人間,形成許許多多神話:《紅樓夢》的玉石淚,《西遊記》的石猴王,封神榜的玉皇大帝,地名玉山(注一)、五羊石(注二)、五塊石(注三),物名馬寶石、金雞石、叫石、照石,或者是明星玉女,玉兔等等,說不完的玉言石語之傳奇。中國的民俗文化,就像“玉情綿綿”繼續薪傳,中國的“玉石文化” “Huainanzi” records: Archean times, the four poles destroyed, Kyushu cracked, the sky is not covered, the ground is not contained, the flame diminished, endless water, Nu Wa’s, refining colored stones to make heaven, Cut off the turtle feet, the establishment of quadrupole, plot blue-gray, in order to stop water, create humanity. Legend of the process of refining, the remaining five-color stone, spread to the world, the formation of many myths: “A Dream of Red Mansions,” the jade tears, “Journey to the West,” the Monkey King, Juggernaut God Jade Emperor, place names Yushan (Note 1) (Note 2), five stones (Note 3), the name Ma Stony, Jinshi stone, called stone, according to the stone, or the star jade, rabbit and so on, endless Yu Yu Shi Shi legend. China’s folk culture, like “Yuliaomengmo” continue to pay pass, China’s “jade culture”
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澳寶(Opal)是一種顏色多樣化的天然珍貴無機質非晶體類礦物。礦物學中則以蛋白石命名,可能是由于奶白色種類較多之緣故。 Opal is a natural, precious, inorganic, non-cry