
来源 :江西水利科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:happy1072298534go
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一九八五年在设计九江县代山水库隧洞闸门时,考虑到我县以灌溉为主的小(Ⅰ)型和小(Ⅱ)型水库钢闸门几乎都是门前止水与门顶封水相结合的型式。实践证明,这种闸门启闭可靠,有一定的适用性。但也存在明显的缺点,如:止水线路长,启闭力大,橡皮易老化,且消耗量大,特别是封顶四角及顶侧止水接合处容易漏水。该水库原低涵管钢闸门即为门前止水,止水效果不好,仅40厘米涵管,闸门工作水头19米需15吨启闭力(管理人员说启门费力)。为了克服上述弱点,减小启门力,使现有80厘米涵管钢闸门启闭机仍用原15吨启闭机,节省工程开支,本人设计了滑块兼侧止水式的钢闸门。通过8个月的运行,发现这种闸门启闭可 In 1985 when designing the floodgate tunnel of the Daishan Reservoir in Jiujiang County, taking into account that the small (Ⅰ) and small (Ⅱ) reservoir steel gates that are predominantly irrigated in our county are almost all the front water stop and top seal Water combination of the type. Practice has proved that this gate opening and closing reliable, there is a certain applicability. But there are also obvious shortcomings, such as: long water stop line, opening and closing force, rubber easy to aging, and the consumption of large, especially the top four corners and the top sealing joints easily leak. The original low-Culvert steel gate of the reservoir is the front of the water stop, stop water effect is not good, only 40 cm Culvert, gate work head 19 meters need 15 tons of opening and closing force (managers say Kai door laborious). In order to overcome the above weakness and reduce the opening force, the existing 80 cm culvert steel gate hoist is still using the original 15 ton hoist, saving engineering expenses. I designed the slider and the lateral water stop steel gate. After eight months of operation, it was found that such a gate could be opened and closed
同志们: 今天召开的全国水资源保护工作会议,是继一九七四年“全国水文水源保护会议”以后,又一次全国性的水资源保护会议。在一九七四年的会议上,钱正英部长曾经指出:“水
AIM:To construct a recombined human AFP eukaryoticexpression vector for the purpose of gene therapy and targettherapy of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).METHODS