
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ckxworkman
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The middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity (MCA- PSV) has been successfully used for timing the first 2 transfusions in fetuses at risk for anemia because of maternal red cell alloimmunization. The Abstract of this study was to assess whether the correlation between the MCA- PSV and fetal hemoglobin is maintained in fetuses that had undergone 2 previous intrauterine transfusions. Study design: Doppler measurement of MCA- PSV was performed before cordocentesis in 39 fetuses. The timing of the third transfusion was based on traditional criteria. The values of MCA- PSV and hemoglobin were expressed as multiples of the median (MoM). Anemia was defined as mild (hemoglobin < 0.84 MoM for a given gestational age, moderate (hemoglobin < 0.65 MoM), and severe (hemoglobin < 0.55 MoM). Regression analysis was used to assess the correlation between the MCA- PSV MoM and fetal hemoglobin MoM. Results: Gestational age at Doppler study ranged from 22 to 35 weeks. Six fetuses (15% ) had normal hemoglobin concentration; 21 (53% ) had mild anemia; 7 (20% ) had moderate anemia; and 5 (12% ) had severe anemia. There was a linear correlation between fetal hemoglobin (y) and the MCA- PSV (x): y = 1.185 - 0.341x. Conclusion: Previously, concerns have been expressed about the accuracy of Doppler prediction of anemia after previous transfusions. Our data suggest that there is a good correlation between the MCA- PSV and fetal hemoglobin in fetuses that have undergone 2 previous transfusions. Our findings expand the clinical situation in which Doppler can be used to monitor red cell alloimmunized pregnancies. The middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity (MCA-PSV) has been successfully used for timing the first 2 transfusions in fetuses at risk for anemia because of maternal red cell alloimmunization. The Abstract of this study was to assess whether the correlation between the MCA- PSV and fetal hemoglobin was maintained in fetuses that had undergone 2 previous intrauterine transfusions. Study design: Doppler measurement of MCA-PSV was performed before cordocentesis in 39 fetuses. The timing of the third transfusion was based on traditional criteria. The values ​​of MCA- PSV and hemoglobin were expressed as multiples of the median (MoM). Anemia was defined as mild (hemoglobin <0.84 MoM for a given gestational age, moderate (hemoglobin <0.65 MoM), and severe (hemoglobin <0.55 MoM) used to assess the correlation between the MCA-PSV MoM and fetal hemoglobin MoM. Results: Gestational age at Doppler study ranged from 22 to 35 weeks. Six fetuses (15%) had normal h There was a linear correlation between fetal hemoglobin (y) and the MCA-PSV (x) : y = 1.185 - 0.341x. Conclusion: Previously, concerns have been expressed about the accuracy of Doppler prediction of anemia after previous transfusions. Our data suggest that there is a good correlation between the MCA- PSV and fetal hemoglobin in fetuses that have undergone 2 previous transfusions. Our findings expand the clinical situation in which Doppler can be used to monitor red cell alloimmunized pregnancies.
本刊讯:“百花园、珍兽园”位于陕西省用至县楼观台,具有丰富的野生动植物资源,是陕西省楼观台国家森林公园独自开发的景点,该园地处秦岭北麓,现存有各类名贵观赏花木300 余
新华社原社长穆青曾把它誉为“天 下第一秀水”,它有着让人心碎、窒息的 美,这就是千岛湖。 千岛湖位于浙江省西部的淳安县境 内,距黄山、杭州各150公里,以其千岛、 秀水为主
世界各地,由于民俗风情、生活习惯、文化习俗的差异,人们对美容化妆,饰品佩戴都具有独特的艺术情趣与风格。  面饰  坦桑尼亚卢古鲁民族有一奇特的风俗,女孩子长至十二、三岁时,都要在秀丽的面颊上,刺上形形色色的花纹图案。未婚女子,除在面颊上刺花纹外,还要在前额灼上一道道圆形的花纹。甚至在双眼皮上加刻一道切纹,以示美丽。在尼日利亚,许多人喜爱在一张黝黑的脸上刺上奇形怪状的图案,有的腮上雕着蝎子,有的额头
泰国全称“泰王国”。1939年以前和 1946—1949年间称为“暹罗”,地处东南亚区位中心,是东南亚地区的一块资源宝地。泰国意为“自由的国土”,有800多年的历史,是世界著名的“
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