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本人于1993年底购买一辆JH145,发动机号113518,车架号93007877,至今行驶约一年,里程达600O公里。现对该车作初步评价。 内在质量方面,该车零部件质量基本过关。前后避震不漏油,但后避震油量太少或粘度不够。前后车圈电镀件不生锈,但车圈装配不正,滚珠轴承稍紧。刹车系统可靠。电气部分大灯较暗,蓄电池仅能使用一个月,需换用石晶灯和免维护电池,CDI、硅整流、发动机、转向灯、仪表盘等质量不错。发动机部分气缸固定螺丝漏 I bought a JH145 at the end of 1993, the engine number 113518, frame number 93007877, so far about a year, mileage of 600O kilometers. Now make a preliminary assessment of the car. Internal quality, the basic quality of the car parts clearance. Shake before and after the shock-proof, but the amount of oil after the suspension too little or not enough viscosity. Front and rear rim plating parts do not rust, but the rims assembly is not correct, ball bearings slightly tight. Braking system is reliable. The electric part of the headlamps darker, the battery can only be used for a month, to be replaced with a crystal lamp and maintenance-free batteries, CDI, silicon rectifier, engine, turn signal, dashboard and other good quality. Engine part of the cylinder fixing screws leak
The critical properties of five compounds, including propanal, butanal, 1-pentanal, 2-methel butanal and trimer of ethanal, were determined for the first time b
A series of reports concerning the mandatory standard system, active safety, passive safety, environmental protection, energy saving, etc. is launched out from
不是,不过美国总统克林顿似乎是坐在实验电力车里在“驾驶”。很多专家相信,象这样的车子在改善都市污染方面能发挥重要作用。通过与orlachtr A.G,SMUD美国电力车公司和Mccl
Two coordinate reactions, NdCl 3·6H 2O(s) +3CCl 3COOH(s)( or TCA) =Nd(TCA) 3·3H 2O(s) +3HCl(g) +3H 2O(l) and Nd(TCA) 3·3H 2O(s) +2C 9H 7NO(s)= Nd(
曾两度被中国石油集团公司评为“高效开发油田”的青海尕斯库勒油田 ,坚持技术攻关 ,解决生产难题 ,多年未解决的注水问题今年取得突破性进展。随着尕斯主力油田的不断开发 ,
为了有效地预防传染病的发生、流行,更好地贯彻执行《传染病防治法》和《消毒管理办法》,1998~1999年我们对辖区的两所幼儿园随机抽样进行消毒监测。1 对象和方法食(饮)具消
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) can noninvasively monitor the intracellular concentrations and kinetic properties of numerous inorganic and organic compound
A method of recovering indium from complex smelting residue containing indium was investiga ted. Indium was extracted by technique of low acid leaching and