Biostability in distribution systems in one city in southern China: Characteristics, modeling and co

来源 :Journal of Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chchang
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This study investigated the bacterial regrowth in drinking water distribution systems receiving finished water from an advanced drinking water treatment plant in one city in southern China. Thirteen nodes in two water supply zones with different aged pipelines were selected to monitor water temperature, dissolved oxygen(DO), chloramine residual, assimilable organic carbon(AOC), and heterotrophic plate counts(HPC). Regression and principal component analyses indicated that HPC had a strong correlation with chloramine residual. Based on Chick-Watson’s Law and the Monod equation, biostability curves under different conditions were developed to achieve the goal of HPC 100 CFU/mL. The biostability curves could interpret the scenario under various AOC concentrations and predict the required chloramine residual concentration under the condition of high AOC level. The simulation was also carried out to predict the scenario with a stricter HPC goal( 50 CFU/mL) and determine the required chloramine residual. The biological regrowth control strategy was assessed using biostability curve analysis. The results indicated that maintaining high chloramine residual concentration was the most practical way to achieve the goal of HPC 100 CFU/mL. Biostability curves could be a very useful tool for biostability control in distribution systems. This work could provide some new insights towards biostability control in real distribution systems. This study investigated the bacterial regrowth in drinking water distribution systems receiving finished water from an advanced drinking water treatment plants in one city in southern China. Thirteen nodes in two water supply zones with different aged pipelines were selected to monitor water temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO Based on Chick-Watson’s Law and the Monod equation, biostability curves under (HOC), chloramine residual, assimilable organic carbon (AOC), and heterotrophic plate counts (HPC). Regression and principal component analysis studies that the HPC had a strong correlation with chloramine residual different conditions were developed to achieve the goal of HPC 100 CFU / mL. The biostability curves could interpret the scenario under various AOC concentrations and predict the required chloramine residual concentration under the condition of high AOC level. The simulation was also carried out to predict the scenario with a stricter HPC goal (50 CFU / mL) and determine the required chloram The results indicate that maintaining high chloramine residual concentration was the most practical way to achieve the goal of HPC 100 CFU / mL. Biostability curves could be a very useful tool for biostability control in distribution systems. This work could provide some new insights towards biostability control in real distribution systems.
3月12日 晴  书是知识的源泉,是智慧的根基。读书则是驶向知识海洋的航船,是长成智慧大树的养料。而我以前却是一个不喜欢读书的孩子。虽然妈妈为我买的书堆得像小山一样,可我连一本也没认真读过,导致我写作文时心有余而力不足。妈妈看在眼里急在心里。但那次与书的邂逅,却改变了我——  那是去年秋天过生日的时候,爸爸送给我一个生日礼物,我满心欢喜地拆开一看,竟是几本书!顿时,我的心就冷了大半截,可也不好意思
3月23日 晴  寂寞像条蛇,盘住了我整个的心,被缠住的心变得空虚,不知怎么的,就被那无形的寂寞抓去了。  作业变得无趣,音乐变得单调,色彩变得暗淡……  寂寞抓住了我,我该怎么甩掉它呢?对了,我可以跑,就在空无一人的家中走来走去,每走一步,地发出一声钝响,似乎寂寞更沉重地笼罩在我的头上,“蛇”进一步占据了我的心。  我眼前似乎一切都变成了灰色,一切都是大理石做的。书架上的书整齐地挤成一排,一切似
上学期,我的期末考试成绩不好,现在一开学,爸爸妈妈就给我报了好几个周末辅(fǔ)导班,压得我喘(chuǎn)不过气来。   每天放学一回家,妈妈就会在我耳边唠(láo)叨(dɑo):“快做作业吧,早做完还可以剩下点时间做做课外练习。”你听听你听听,还要再做课外练习,那还早做完作业干什么?所以我就故意磨磨蹭(cèng)蹭地做作业。   今天晚上,爸爸妈妈没有催(cuī)我做作业,反而笑眯眯的。我