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瑞典限制氯头孢菌素在儿童中的使用瑞典国家卫生福利委员会公布了1986~1987年间药品不良反应综述,其中例举了头孢类抗生素中的氯头孢菌素(cefalor)。氯头孢菌素已报告的不良反应共129例,其中除3例外,其余都是儿童。绝大多数不良反应为皮肤及骨骼肌系统反应。在15名病人中还有血清病及发烧出现。鉴于这种情况,该委员会建议不应把氯头孢菌素当作治疗儿童耳鼻喉科感染的一线药,并建议除皮肤试验 Sweden limits the use of chlorocephalosporins in children The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare published a summary of adverse drug reactions from 1986 to 1987, of which cephalosporins in cephalosporins were cited. A total of 129 adverse reactions have been reported with cephalosporins, with the exception of 3 except for children. The vast majority of adverse reactions for the skin and skeletal muscle system response. Serum disease and fever occurred in 15 patients. Given this situation, the committee recommended that cefazolin should not be considered as a first-line treatment for ENT infections in children and that skin tests other than skin tests
随着免耕技术的推广和施肥量的增加,小春作物田间杂草发生极为严重,直接影响作物的产量。化学除草是一项见效快、成本低、效益高的增产技术措施。其主要技术如下: 一、油菜
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各省、自治区、直辖市卫生厅(局): 根据卫生部(87)卫药字第17号“颁发《关于新药保护及技术转让的规定》的通知”,目前已有部分新药保护期满,有的省、市卫生厅(局)及有关研
“关联企业”是指下列关系之一的公司、企业及其他经济组织 :1、在资金、经营、购销等方面存在直接或者间接的拥有或者控制关系 ;2、直接或者间接的同为第三者所拥有或者控制 ;
一、药理试验及临床验证本品对6种DNA病毒及10种RHA病毒有效,毒性小,小鼠口服LD_(50)为2000mg/kg,腹腔注射LD_(50)为1200~1300mg/kg。大鼠口服,LD_(50)为5300mg/kg。 Pharma
The lymph drainage of the parotid glandwas studied in 31 fresh cadavers of fetus orneonatus by means of the indirect injection30% Prussian blue chloroform solu