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川办函[2008]185号为全面深入贯彻落实科学发展观,努力解决群众的实际困难,经省政府同意,现就妥善解决超过法定退休年龄的原城镇集体企业职工和返城知青参加企业基本养老保险(以下简称“基本养老保险”)有关问题通知如下,请遵照执行。 In order to comprehensively and thoroughly implement the scientific concept of development and strive to solve the actual difficulties of the masses, the Sichuan Provincial Government [Box No. 185 [2008] 185), with the consent of the provincial government, is now in a position to properly solve the problems faced by enterprises and employees of collectively-owned enterprises and returned urban youth who attend the enterprise Endowment insurance (hereinafter referred to as “basic pension insurance ”) The following issues are notified, please follow the implementation.
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房地产市场作为中国经济近些年来最为火热和贡献率最大的行业,无论是从其行业规模、产业链条,还是对地方政府的财政贡 As the hottest and most contributory industry in C
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China can contribute to the global economic dialogue by hosting the G20 Summit China,now the world’s second largest economy,is still growing at a relatively ro