迸发科技创新活力 加快国家创新体系建设——全国科技创新大会在京隆重举行

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作为我国科技创新的一大盛事,全国科技创新大会于7月盛夏在京隆重举行。当前,正值我国深入贯彻落实科学发展观、加快转变经济发展方式的关键时期,这次大会作出的深化科技体制改革决定,标志着我国新一轮科技体制改革全面启动,大会通过的《关于深化科技体制改革、加快国家创新体系建设的意见》,更是指导当前和今后一个时期我国科技体制改革和发展的纲领性文件。胡锦涛总书记在大会上所作的重要讲话,全面客观地总结了我国科技创新工作发展情况,高屋建瓴地阐释了加快科技创新的必要性和紧迫性,指出了建设创新型国家的主要目标与任务,并强调从现在起,到实现进入创新型国家行列的目标,只有不到10年的时间,形势非常紧迫,任务十分艰巨。 As a major event of scientific and technological innovation in our country, the national science and technology innovation conference was held grandly in Beijing in July. At present, it is at a crucial period for our country to thoroughly implement the scientific concept of development and speed up the transformation of the mode of economic development. The decision of deepening the reform of science and technology system made by this conference marks a new round of reform in our country's science and technology system. The “ Scientific and technological system reform and speeding up the construction of a national innovation system ”is a programmatic document guiding the reform and development of China's science and technology system at present and in the coming period. General Secretary Hu Jintao delivered an important speech at the conference that comprehensively and objectively summed up the development of science and technology innovation in our country and explained the necessity and urgency of accelerating scientific and technological innovation from a high-rise building. He pointed out the major goals and tasks of building an innovation-oriented country. Emphasizing that from now on, it will take a very short time and a very arduous task to achieve the goal of entering the ranks of an innovative country in less than 10 years.
天上飘着棉花糖我想尝(chán)一尝伸手想摘(zhāi)摘不到只怪胳膊不够长云@吴宇伦$安徽六安市解放路小学二五班 Floating cotton candy in the sky I want to taste try to
文[1]用向量知识对三角形的重心的充要条件进行了证明,但在证明充分性时出现了一个常识性错误,特将部分过程摘录如下: In [1], vector knowledge is used to prove the nece