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在20世纪50年代,由政府有关部门组织的历史主题创作,出现了一批经典的历史主题创作作品,如董希文的《开国大典》、詹建俊的《狼牙山五壮士》等。这些作品无论从艺术的还是社会、历史的角度来看,都具有重要的学术价值和社会意义。直至90年代出现了大型连环画《地球的红飘带》,历史主题创作一直是当代画家的重要选择。今年适逢红军长征胜利70周年,总结和研究一个时期以来的长征以及革命历史主题的创作,对于全国美术界目前正在进行的重大历史主题创作,具有一定的指导意义。因此,本期的“特别企划”展开“历史主题创作的历史与现实”的专题讨论,探讨20世纪50年代以来的历史主题创作的历史,以及当前进行历史主题创作的现实境遇。 In the 1950s, a series of classic historical themes such as Dong Xiuwen’s “Founding Ceremony” and Zhan Jianjun’s “Langya Shan Five Heroes” appeared in historical themes organized by relevant government departments. These works have important academic value and social significance both in art and in society and in history. It was not until the 1990s that a large comic “The Red Ribbon of the Earth” emerged. Historical themes have always been an important choice for contemporary artists. This year coincides with the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Long March of the Red Army. The conclusion and study of the Long March and the creation of revolutionary historical themes since a certain period of time have some guiding significance for the major historic theme creation currently underway in the fine arts world. Therefore, this issue’s “Special Plan” launches a thematic discussion on “the history and reality of historical themes,” discusses the history of historical themes since the 1950s, and the current realities of historical themes.