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荆门市水域辽阔,气候适宜,渔业资源丰富,拥有可养水面102万亩、水生经济动植物122种。近年来,在市委、市政府和市农业局的正确领导下,荆门市水产业越上了一个新台阶。2003年,全市水产品产量达到22万吨,实现渔业产值16亿元,占农业总产值的比重达23%。当前,荆门市正处在由水产大市向水产强市的跨越期,发展潜力巨大,但也存在着水产品结构调整慢,水产品转换增值难,产业化水平低,市场竞争力弱的困难和问题。只有牢固树立和认真落实科学发展观,加大水产业结构创新、科技创新、管理创新的力度,才能真正实现荆门市水产业的持续、健康发展。一、瞄准市场需求,加快水产品结构调整,建设一批高水 Jingmen City, a vast area of ​​?? suitable climate, rich in fishery resources, with raised surface of 102 acres, 122 species of aquatic animals and plants. In recent years, under the correct leadership of the municipal party committee, the municipal government and the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture, the aquaculture industry in Jingmen has stepped up to a new level. In 2003, the city’s aquatic product output reached 220,000 tons, and fishery output value reached 1.6 billion yuan, accounting for 23% of the total agricultural output value. At present, Jingmen City is in a leap-forward period from a major aquatic product market to a strong aquatic product market with great potential for development. However, there are also difficulties in adjusting the structure of aquatic products, increasing the value added of aquatic products, low industrialization and weak market competitiveness And the problem. Only by firmly establishing and conscientiously implementing the scientific concept of development, and by stepping up the structural innovation, scientific and technological innovation, and management innovation in the aquaculture industry can the sustainable and healthy development of the aquaculture industry in Jingmen City be truly realized. First, aim at the market demand, speed up the structural adjustment of aquatic products, and build a batch of high water
我院自1987年1月至1997年8月,应用Sachse尿道手术刀行尿道内切开术治疗尿道狭窄和闭锁48例,效果满意,报道如下。 临床资料 1.一般情况:本组48例均为男性,年龄21~71岁,平均46.5
4山.工·工·工·I.词汇‘15州_-A)根据句意和首字母或汉语提示1.肠tmeh—youfindEnglishteaeher.nleypllr,拼写单词。bo成一Please·J曰JUrereBD2.1 amanMy杯-一~污anEnglis
课程改革作为教育改革的主要组成部分 ,正在全国范围内如火如荼地展开 ,这是我国教育事业走向进步的体现 .然而 ,也有一些学校 ,托课程改革之大旗 ,喊素质数育之口号 ,存应试
分式在中学数学中 ,既是重点 ,又是难点。它的计算不仅综合性很强 ,而且技巧性很大。为了学生们更加准确快速地求解分式 ,谈几种解法。一、分组通分法在解有分式化简的问题时