
来源 :史学理论与史学史学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xj3301365
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魏晋南北朝是门阀地主占主导地位的历史时期,重视门第和炫耀家族成为社会风气。门阀士族的政治要求和意识形态在史学上的重要反映就是此期家史撰修呈现兴盛局面。作为家史组成部分的家传虽然都散佚不存,但从文献著录和残存的片语只言中可以看出,魏晋南北朝时期家传的撰修与门阀士族兴衰相一致,家传的内容和形式较集中反映了门阀士族的要求和趣味。在一定意义上说,撰修家传是门阀士族维护家族利益的重要工具,也是史学与政治,史学与社会互动的结果。 Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties is dominated by gatekeepers in the historical period, pay attention to the door and show off the family became a social atmosphere. The political requirements and ideology of the door-and-door warrior clan are an important historiographical reflection of the historical prosperity of this family history writing. Although the family history as an integral part of the history of family members were all lost or lost, it can be seen from the descriptions of the literature and the remnants of the narrative that the writing of the family traditions in the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties coincided with the rise and fall of the family of gatekeepers. The content and form of the gate valve valve reflects the more concentrated requirements and tastes. In a certain sense, Zhuanzhuanzhuan is an important tool for protecting the family interests of the gate warrior and the family, as well as the result of the interaction between history and politics, history and society.
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