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据江苏东台县统计,全县1984年底累计沉淀棉花预购定金206.22万元,1985年发放的320万元,也只收回285.96万元,又沉淀34,04万元,占当年发放总数的10.6%,成为人们关注的又一大问题。造成棉花预购定金大量沉淀,除众所周知的客观原因外,也有主观上的原因。(1)棉花定金过去依赖银行信用社代放代扣,结果是扣多少算多少。在农村经济管理体制改革后,仍采取过去的老办法,依靠基层供销社代放,有的基层供销社发放过程中没有分户清单,更没有一本象样的帐,给以后的收回工作留下困难,加上检查监督措施又未跟上,使大笔资金未能真正用于棉花生产。其中有的被私人挪用,有的被乡供销社留作经营周转资金(据东台县农业银行统计1985年全县被截留的达50万元)。(2)不少基层社认为,代收棉花定金,与自身经济利益无关,收与不收关系不大;还有的认为占用的 According to the statistics of Dongtai County in Jiangsu Province, the county deposited a total of 2.0622 million yuan of pre-settled cotton deposit at the end of 1984 and 3.2 million yuan in 1985, with only 285.96 million yuan recovered and another 340.44 million yuan precipitated, accounting for 10.6% of the total. Become another concern of people another big problem. As a result, a great deal of deposits have been caused in the deposit of cotton pre-purchase. In addition to the well-known objective reasons, there are also subjective reasons. (1) In the past, cotton deposit was relied on bank credit cooperatives for release and deduction, the result is how much to deduct. After the reform of the rural economic management system, we still adopt the old method of the past and relied on the supply and marketing cooperatives at the grassroots level. Some grassroots supply and marketing cooperatives do not issue sub-households in the process of issuing them. Nor does it have a decent account for future recovery work Difficulties, coupled with the inspection and supervision measures did not keep up, so that a large sum of money failed to really be used for cotton production. Some of them were privately diverted, while others were left as working capital by the rural supply and marketing cooperatives (according to statistics of Dongtai Agricultural Bank in 1985, the county was held for 500,000 yuan). (2) Many grassroots associations believe that the collection of cotton deposits has nothing to do with its own economic interests, and the relationship between income and non-payment is insignificant. Others think it takes up