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洪汝河是我县防洪骨干河道,境内河长74公里,堤长148公里,流经10个乡68个行政村,保护面积30万亩。过去,由于重建轻管思想的影响,河道管理工作存在不少问题,如破堤取土、违章种植、围堤建窑、砍伐树木、破坏水利设施等,使工程标准大大降低,严重威胁着防洪安全。为了确保沿河人民生命财产的安全,切实管好、用好 Hongru River flood control is the backbone of my county, the territory of 74 kilometers long river, embankment length of 148 kilometers, flowing through 10 townships 68 administrative villages, the protection of an area of ​​300000 acres. In the past, due to the impact of rebuilding the light pipe, there were many problems in river channel management such as embankment breakage, illegal planting, embankment construction, tree felling and destruction of water conservancy facilities, which greatly reduced the engineering standards and seriously threatened flood control Safety. In order to ensure the safety of lives and property of the people along the river, we must effectively manage and make good use of it
A highly birefringent index-guiding photonic crystal fiber (PCF) with flattened dispersion and low confinement loss is proposed by introducing two small air hol
The impedance and output power measurements of LDMOS transistors are always a problem due to their low impedance and lead widths.An improved thru-reflect-line(T
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A kind of hollow vortex Gaussian beam is introduced. Based on the Collins integral, an analytical propagation formula of a hollow vortex Gaussian beam through a
涉外贸易是一件艰难而细致的工作。和国内贸易不同,国际上很多法律,条款都必须清楚,否则不仅会造成不必要的经济损失,甚至带来不良的政治影响。 现在我国很多鞋厂都想做出口
(一九八七年九月二十九日) 对今年的防汛工作怎么估价?从全国范围来看,今年属中等洪水年份。主要是淮河发生了5次洪水,长江上中游发生了3次洪水,广东、福建、浙江受到了台风