Dendritic cells: The warriors upfront-turned defunct in chronic hepatitis C infection

来源 :World Journal of Hepatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxc694134272
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Hepatitis C virus(HCV) infection causes tremendousmorbidity and mortality with over 170 million people infected worldwide. HCV gives rise to a sustained, chronic disease in the majority of infected individuals owing to a failure of the host immune system to clear the virus. In general, an adequate immune response is elicited by an efficient antigen presentation by dendritic cells(DCs), the cells that connect innate and adaptive immune system to generate a specific immune response against a pathogen. However, HCV seems to dysregulate the activity of DCs, making them less proficient antigen presenting cells for the optimal stimulation of virusspecific T cells, hence interfering with an optimal antiviral immune response. There are discordant reports on the functional status of DCs in chronic HCV infection(CHC), from no phenotypic or functional defects to abnormal functions of DCs. Furthermore, the molecular mechanisms behind the impairment of DC function are even so not completely elucidated during CHC. Understanding the mechanisms of immune dysfunction would help in devising strategies for better management of the disease at the immunological level and help to predict the prognosis of the disease in the patients receiving antiviral therapy. In this review, we have discussed the outcomes of the interaction of DCs with HCV and the mechanisms of DC impairment during HCV infection with its adverse effects on the immune response in the infected host. HCV causes rise to a sustained, chronic disease in the majority of infected individuals due to a failure of the host immune system to clear the virus. In general , an adequate immune response is elicited by an efficient antigen presentation by dendritic cells (DCs), the cells that connect innate and adaptive immune system to generate a specific immune response against a pathogen. However, HCV seems to dysregulate the activity of DCs, making These are less proficient antigen presenting cells for the optimal stimulation of virupecific T cells, hence interfering with an optimal antiviral immune response. There are discordant reports on the functional status of DCs in chronic HCV infection (CHC), from no phenotypic or functional defects to abnormal functions of DCs. Furthermore, the molecular mechanisms behind the impairment of DC function are even so not completely elucida ted during CHC. Understanding the mechanisms of immune dysfunction would help in devising strategies for better management of the disease at the immunological level and help to predict the prognosis of the disease in the patients receiving antiviral therapy. In this review, we have discussed the outcomes of the interaction of DCs with HCV and the mechanisms of DC impairment during HCV infection with its adverse effects on the immune response in the infected host.
间日疟原虫的特异形态,国外三十年代即有零星报道。1961年我国江静波等对广东的间日疟原虫特异形态进行了系统的观察,并于1965年命名为间日疟原虫多核亚种(Plasmodium vivax
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编辑同志: 看了贵刊今年第二期第24页关于作者何建华同志撰写的《榛鸡养殖技术》一文,其中一些地方值得商榷。 据调查了解,花尾榛鸡是我国二类保护鸟类。 Editing comrades
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