
来源 :文化学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuanxb2008
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网络呼语是一种独特的呼语形式。网络的普及孕育了形形色色的网络呼语。这些呼语流传速度之快、范围之广,对大众语言影响之深前所未有,其中一些已经发展为正式词汇,被收录入词典。本文以2010年红遍网络的呼语“犀利哥”为切入点,并以解释语言文化发展和传播规律的模因论为理论依据,分析了网络呼语模因的复制和传播,对理性看待网络呼语的传播提供一些有益的借鉴和启示。 Internet calls are a unique form of utterances. The popularity of the Internet gave birth to all kinds of Internet calls. The speed of circulation of these calls is high, the scope is wide, and the impact on the popular language is unprecedented. Some of these have evolved into official terms and have been incorporated into dictionaries. Based on the phonetic theory of ubiquitous network in 2010 and “Sharp Brother”, this paper analyzes the replication and transmission of meme in the Internet through theoretical analysis of memetics, which explains the law of the development of language and culture and the law of communication Reasonable view of the spread of cyberpulphats provide some useful lessons and enlightenment.
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子午岭是甘肃省庆阳市最大的水源涵养林区,森林茂密,物种繁多,森林生态系统较为稳定。可以说,子午岭是庆阳的天然水库和庆阳人民的绿色生命线,在维护和改善陇东及周边 Ziwu
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
After the coupling equations of co-pumping,counter-pumping and bidirectional-pumping distributed Raman amplifiers(DRAs) are theoretically analyzed,the power dis