Renin-angiotensin system in the pathogenesis of liver fibrosis

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyanhao1986
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Hepatic fibrosis is considered a common response to many chronic hepatic injuries.It is a multifunctional process that involves several cell types,cytokines,chemokines and growth factors leading to a disruption of homeostatic mechanisms that maintain the liver ecosystem.In spite of many studies regarding the development of fibrosis,the understanding of the pathogenesis remains obscure.The hepatic tissue remodeling process is highly complex,resulting from the balance between collagen degradation and synthesis.Among the many mediators that take part in this process,the components of the Renin angiotensin system(RAS) have progressively assumed an important role.Angiotensin(Ang)□acts as a profibrotic mediator and Ang-(1-7),the newly recognized RAS component,appears to exert a counter-regulatory role in liver tissue.We briefly review the liver fibrosis process and current aspects of the RAS.This review also aims to discuss some experimental evidence regarding the participation of RAS mediators in the pathogenesis of liver fibrosis,focusing on the putative role of the ACE2-Ang-(1-7)-Mas receptor axis. It is a multifunctional process that involves several cell types, cytokines, chemokines and growth factors leading to a disruption of homeostatic mechanisms that maintain the liver ecosystem. In spite of many studies regarding the development of fibrosis, the understanding of the pathogenesis remains obscure. hepatic tissue remodeling process is highly complex, resulting from the balance between collagen degradation and synthesis. Among the many mediators that take part in this process, the components of the Renin angiotensin system ( RAS) have progressively assumed an important role. Angiotensin (Ang) □ acts as a profibrotic mediator and Ang- (1-7), the newly recognized RAS component, appears to exert a counter-regulatory role in liver tissue. We review review the liver fibrosis process and current aspects of the RAS. This review also aims to discuss some experimental evidence regarding the participation of RAS medi ators in the pathogenesis of liver fibrosis, focusing on the putative role of the ACE2-Ang- (1-7) -Mas receptor axis.
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不要嘲笑孩子的梦想,或许遥不可及,你能做的就是为他们鼓励,加油!  我是在帮女儿整理书桌的时候,发现了她的作文本。翻开第一页,就是一篇关于梦想的作文,女儿写道:“我的梦想是多读书,读好书,做一名学霸”。看到这,我又气又好笑,刚刚考完期中考试,语文82分,数学也才88分,她的成绩在班上属于中等偏下,还想当学霸?  女儿进来,见我翻看她的作业本,很生气地一把抢走了。我笑她:“你成绩这么差,还想当学霸?