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毗卢寺,位于石家庄市新华区上京村东,是全国重点文物保护单位,以绘有精美的儒、释、道三教合流的水陆道场画而闻名。据《正定县志》记载:“毗卢寺在城西,唐天宝中建。”距今已有1200多年的历史了。据毗卢殿佛座石条案的题刻载,该寺在宋、金、元、明诸代均曾重修。现在毗卢寺的释迦殿、毗卢殿都是明朝重修时的建筑,殿内绘满了珍贵的壁画,极具研究价值,其中,尤以毗卢殿的壁画更为精美。 Pilu Temple, located in Shijiazhuang City, Xinhua District, Beijing on the East Village, is the national key cultural relics protection units, with a fine blend of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, the three rivers and lakes famous water and land draw. According to “Zhengding County,” records: “Pilu Temple in the west, Tang Tianbao built.” "Has been more than 1,200 years of history. According to the inscriptions of the Pilu Temple Buddha stone case, the temple was rebuilt in Song, Jin, Yuan and Ming Dynasties. Now Pilu Temple Shijia Temple, Pilu Temple are rebuilt during the Ming Dynasty buildings, the temple is painted with precious murals, great research value, of which, especially Pilu Temple murals more beautiful.
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