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抽油机设备是油田采油的主要设备,它是由驴头,游梁,曲柄连杆结构,减速箱,平衡块,悬绳器,电动机,刹车装置等组成,它的动力是由电动机来带动的,而带动需要电机皮带轮与减速箱上输入轴的大皮带轮经皮带连接旋转而传递动力的,电机皮带轮的调换,是调抽油井冲次的主要手段。针对孤东油田大多数采用抽油机井机械采油,根据采油井的变化及需要,经常调整采油参数,更换电机皮带轮子是最常见的调整参数的措施,目前往下扒电机皮带轮有扒轮器,往电机轴上安装还没有上轮器,安装皮带轮比较困难,大多是用大锤往上砸,有时把皮带轮砸裂,有时把皮带轮轴砸弯,且经常出现砸伤,崩伤人的事故。为了解决上述问题,就必须设计一种能够方便、简单,易操作的电机上轮器,本实用新型国家专利的目的是提供一种电机皮带轮上轮器,解决上述已有技术存在的安装皮带轮困难,以上电机轮和电机轴,易伤人等的问题。从二零零九年八月开始研制电机皮带轮上轮器工具,经过不断使用改进,实现了优质高效操作,取得了明显的效果。 Pumping equipment is the main equipment for oilfield production. It is composed of donkey head, beam, crank connecting rod structure, gear box, balance block, suspension rope, motor, brake device, etc. Its power is driven by motor , And driven by the need for the motor pulley pulley and the input shaft on the gear box connected by the belt rotation and transmission of power, the exchange of the motor pulley, is the main means of pumping pumping wells punching. In view of the fact that most of the Gudong oilfield adopts mechanical pumping of oil pumping wells and machines, the oil recovery parameters are often adjusted according to the changes and needs of the oil production wells. The replacement of the motor pulley is the most common measure to adjust the parameters. At present, To install the motor shaft is not on the wheel, the installation of the pulley is more difficult, mostly smashed up with a sledgehammer, and sometimes the pulley smashed, and sometimes the pulley shaft bent hit, and often crushed, collapsed accident. In order to solve the above problems, it is necessary to design a motor upper wheel which can be convenient, simple and easy to operate. The purpose of the national patent of the present utility model is to provide a motor pulley upper wheel which solves the problems of the prior art installation pulley mentioned above , The above motor and motor shaft, easy to hurt people and other issues. From August 2009 onwards, the development of a motor pulley sheave tool has been continuously improved to achieve high quality and efficient operation with remarkable results.
郑州大学一附院内分泌科和介入治疗科联手,成功采用岩下窦等部位分段采血法为一患者确诊了库欣病。29岁的患者郭某因肥胖、血压高、月经不调住进郑州大学一附院内分泌科。 F
本瘤国内首先由应越英(1957)报告1例后,已有27例报道,兹将我院1978及1980年收治的3例共同列表分析(见附表),并对我院3例分别报告于下:例1 女,52岁,已婚,1978年8月7日入院。