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10.如何全面正确履行政府职能?《决定》提出,全面正确履行政府职能。这是完善社会主义市场经济体制,处理好政府和市场关系,使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用,更好发挥政府作用的关键环节。在社会主义市场经济体制的框架中,企业制度、市场机制和政府管理体制是最重要的3个支柱。企业制度是市场经济的微观基础,是创造财富和形成竞争力的源泉;市场机制是配置资源、调节需求、优化结构的基本方式;政府是维护公平竞争、保障经济主体合法权益、保持经济社会稳定的制度建设者和保护者,三者相互支撑、相互补充、制约和促进,其关系的协调和推进的均衡决定着社会主义市场经济体制完善的程度和质量。从目前看,企业改革、市场建 10. How to carry out the functions of the government in an all-round way? The “Decision” proposes that the government functions should be fully and correctly implemented. This is the key link in improving the socialist market economic system, handling the relationship between the government and the market, making the market play a decisive role in the allocation of resources and giving better play to the role of the government. In the framework of the socialist market economic system, the three major pillars are the enterprise system, the market mechanism and the government management system. The enterprise system is the micro-foundation of the market economy and the source of wealth creation and competitiveness. The market mechanism is the basic way of allocating resources, adjusting demand and optimizing the structure. The government maintains fair competition, protects the legitimate rights and interests of economic subjects and maintains economic and social stability The system builders and protectors support and complement each other, restrict and promote each other. The coordination and promotion of their relations determine the extent and quality of the improvement of the socialist market economic system. From the moment, enterprise reform, market construction
本文论述了河南省 2 1世纪外语人才的需求背景、素质要求和培养模式 This article discusses the background, quality requirements and training mode of 2 1 century for
见到冰冰,脑中反射似的弹出“漂亮”两字。真的,冰冰足够漂亮了。 一不小心,这些被冠名为“新新人类”的80年代出生的靓男俊女已经在娱乐圈中炫闪起来。一切还没来得及反应。一切